Saturday, July 21, 2012

Red Unlimited Expresses Disappointment


workinprogress said...

Nonsense. Why does Red Unlimited need to meet "internally" to discuss anything. Is this band the only band in St. Lucia? If it was agreed upon last year how scores should be tabulated, why does this band have such a big issue with this now? The results were incorrect and tabulated improperly, therefore, fairness should prevail. All this business about press release stating disappointment creates unnecessary drama. The incorrect results affected all bands but for some reason this band wants to behave like they are the only band participating int he festivities. Shame on Red Unlimited for this type of behaviour

Armchair Anonymous said...

Take you licks like a man, and do not fight like a girl!!

I have witnessed Red on the road many times, and although they are the largest band on the road, they are the most unruly, and most (in my opinion) unlikely to be awarded any prizes!! Pretty costumes, yes, but it ends there.

Red's Press Release states "... Red Unlimited gives its assurance that it will continue relentlessly to raise the standard and transform the expression of Lucian mas ..." Raise WHAT STANDARD?? Express what?

Get your act together, starting with your wayward revelers!! Screen your revelers, then you will set - and raise - a standard (sic).