Saturday, July 21, 2012

Taboo Sexuality


Anonymous said...

There are a lot of mentally sick people in this world.

Anonymous said...

That is one ignorant article.

Anonymous said...

Yes that article is worthless and does not carry any relevance! Who Cares? At the end we all have to die.

Anonymous said...

The authour misses the 'uncomplicated' days when she lacked the knowledge confirming that the 'new' sexuality is as old as humanity; that discussion of sexual preferences and practices was tamped down by the Catholic church to hide from view their clergy's own 'outre' sexual preferences and practices!

Anonymous said...

The author of this article is very ignorant. It is alarming that in our progressive culture today we still have people like this, who feel it is their business at ALL what other people do with their sexuality.

I understand the author meant to offense and doesn't mean to sound so ignorant, but a simple question tears apart this entire article.

Why does it matter to you, what I do with my sexuality?