Saturday, February 16, 2013

Surviving Sexual abuse in the Caribbean one billion rising


Son-of-man said...


Your opening paragraph should have read, “We rose on the D.W.S. next to the institution that teaches God CURSED THE WOMAN”, and God ordained perpetual punishment for the woman by PAIN and SUFFERING during pregnancy because the woman is responsible for all problems entering the World when she caused Adam to disobey God - the teachings of your Catholic Church; the fountain of Domestic Violence against Women, Pedophilia and the place you support with your money .

Why this deafening silence pertaining this “House of Domestic Violence Against Women and Children.” So-called Immaculate what?

Anonymous said...


Son-of-man said...


It is a commendable effort on the part of the women who are engaged in this epic Battle for freedom from Oppression which is also called Domestic Violence Against Women(DVAW). The truth is many of these women are either ignorant or hypocritical when confronting the problem of Domestic Violence against the woman or worse, are intimidated when it comes to destroying the Root-cause of the problem.

The two things most influential in the lives of the people are POLITICS and RELIGION, but many of the women seeking to end the scourge of Domestic Violence are duplicitous, ignorant, and hypocritical.

These hypocrites are members and are supporters of Religions that teach: “THE WOMAN IS CURSED BY GOD” because she is responsible for causing all the PROBLEMS and SINS to enter the World because she made her husband disobey God. God’s CURSE is that the woman must be perpetually punished with pain by pregnancy - she must SUFFER in PAIN for what she did in EDEN - that is why every baby is SINFUL - so-called Original Sin.

How could you be opposed to DVAW while being a member of a Cult of Pedophilia and Misogynist? Cults where the leaders would not even marry a WOMAN because she is EVIL? It’s like proclaiming your desire to end Racial Bigotry while being a member of the KKK.

You ignorant women teach your young Sons that God is a Caucasian “MAN” who had only one child - a male - this Racist and Sexist God did not want a Daughter/Female because the female is CURSED, INFERIOR, STUPID, NASTY, etc, etc.

Then you wonder why you are KILLED and RAPED by your sons that were taught to HATE the EVIL WOMAN who messed-up the World?

Then when confronted with the truth you regurgitate this “Kaka Kan-nar”, “Two things I do not discuss is Religion and Politics.” the two most important in your lives - are you really STUPID? or regurgitate “My Religion is a private mater.” who are you fooling? yourselves?

You women are the essence of hypocrisy! If you really want to end DVAW, demand the Churches you support end this teachings of HATE-THE-WOMAN.

Anonymous said...


"In Ireland, more than 10,000 women suffered and were exploited in the Catholic-run Magdalene Laundries, where many of them died. Similar church-run institutions all over the world have caused enormous mortality, disease and ruination for millions of children. And yet the church has never been held accountable or prosecuted for these deaths and the theft of enormous wealth from entire nations."
