Saturday, February 16, 2013

Saint Lucia at 34 – the burning questions


Anonymous said...

Politicians took that pride away from us when they made us independent and floating alone in a vast ocean full of sharks. The truth is that most of us don't give a hoot about independence and even the kids cannot be brainwashed because reality beats all.

Talk to us when the unemployment rate goes below 20%, it has never been below 15% since independence and you want us to be proud, proud of what?

Anonymous said...

Independence is a myth even for countries with natural resources. It becomes a disaster when it is for the glorification and self-aggrandizement of a high-handed and victimizing narcissist and egotist as John Compton was.

It was not for love of country that he wanted to be buried at sea. Was it?

Worse still, the ruling class and predatory merchant elite never ever really considered independence as the way forward. They were, seeking mainly placenames as John Compton did and populating the public and civil service, only aspired to work for their knighthoods, OBEs and MBEs.

Independence was not discussed at the dinner tables. The colonial status of the island was NEVER ever railed against, except for a tiny minority following John Compton and his antics in London.

We never had mammoth crowds rallying in sentiment against the monarchy or the British government. But the British Government was always looking for ways to dispense with colonies that had become a financial burden.

The island's wealth and resources had already be exhaused. The costs associated with imports of fertilizer are only indicative. The British Empire had already been built on the backs of chattel slaves.

The British miserly gave the promise of a road and a guarantee to buy our bananas in exchange for the independence instruments. Our luck with bananas ran out with the intervention of the WTO.

John Compton jumped with alacrity at the opportunity to become the history-making first prime minister of his adopted island.

Bona fide Saint Lucians were made to sing a song and accept a flag with the depiction of the sliver of white people superimposed on a black majority in a state of unpreparedness. We were placed in the wilderness with no natural resources, no human capital formation, no institutional development or development institutions to speak of.

We went through the motions. We danced. But was it to a swan song of happiness? Why? Because all that we have had since, is the very substantive chimeral charade John Compton rammed down the throats of this very gullible population as 'independence'?

Anonymous said...

Compton is in hell serving his master.

Anonymous said...

Compton is in hell serving his master.

Anonymous said...

I skimmed through this article and remain convinced that The Voice was simply trying to fill space. The majority of the 34 questions posed correspond to one question: Who are we? Shameful that 34 years on we're still asking this. This generation of millennials prefer to think of themselves as individuals first and foremost. Increasing access to information has made the world seem a lot smaller as compared to a decade or so ago. Milennials are Citizens of The World, who happen to reside in a particular country. Individual, rather than parochial identities, are becoming more of the norm.

P.S. The American Dream of a white picket fenced house, family, and pets went bust when the housing bubble burst.

Anonymous said...

Funny how history changes,depending on who you ask. I distinctly remember Compton saying that independence was inevitable. There really was nothing to fight for because Mother England was about ready to cut the purse strings and start weaning. Truth is no country is entirely independent. We are all co-dependent; some moreso than others. Even the great United States is indebted to China by billions.

Anonymous said...

First it was Compton. Now it is Kenny. It is pattern. There is always some Venci with a red ass background screwing us up.

Anonymous said...

34, acting 14.

As an outsider let me help - nation full of ignorant people who just vote for handouts. No thought of any long term plans. A nation riddled with criminals; if they're really good, they may end up elected. A nation whose citizens are no longer welcome in Canada because of too many crimes.

Anonymous said...

The writer appears to have been attending too many witches conferences and/or voodoo conferences.

Trick-e-dadians are set apart in the region and the wider world? Really, after CLICO and others Trick-e-dadians have only reinforced what they are well known for.

Please note, that St. Lucia, nicknamed the "Helen of the West Indies, has produced two Nobel Prize Laureates, the highest in terms of per capita in the WORLD.

Put that in your pipe and smoke it.

And can you tell me how many Trinidad and Tobago has produced.

Anonymous said...

Blogger above. I thank you. Well said.

Trinidad and Tobago, have not to date, produced a Nobel Prize Laureate. So let the idiot [writer] put its crap, where the "monkey had placed the nuts".

Anonymous said...

This story sounds like some Trinidadian woman, who stole a Lucian woman man, living in St. Lucia trying to big-up Trinidadians over we Lucians.

Bravado and bossy, and stink-up, if you ask me.

We Lucians theme is "we are de boss". That is why all dem Trini women running down here to live and can't find a man to marry in Trindad. So they here tiefing Lucian women man.

So get a life. Get y'all own damn men.

Anonymous said...

Yes, this does sound like some Trini turn Lucian with St. Lucia passport, behaving as if, she knows what is best for us Lucians.

Yet we read about the horrendous crime and crooking, going on in T & T.

Drugs, drugs and more drugs. Murder, murder, and more murder.

So what the hell, this braggart and loose mouth talking about.

CLICO, CLCO, and more CLICO.