Friday, April 26, 2013



Anonymous said...

More revenue to do what with? Is it to give it as freeness to foreigners indirectly through signing away on contracts that the PM REPEATEDLY shows no signs of understanding what he signs? Rochasmell? Black (hole) Bay? Grenberg?

Financial bull in a China shop.

Anonymous said...

a as a lawyer do not help you to make sound financial decision, it needs a lot more....
Get some people in position with business practise to run the country.

Anonymous said...

This country is bleeding financially from the blunders of its so-called leaders. And there seems to be no break in the foolishness on the horizon for that which passes for good governance in Saint Lucia.

Anyone with knowledge of sound financial management would not be talking about more revenues needed.

A minister of finance who is up to snuff would be saying where he has to cut and what he has put in place to grow the economy to bring in the related tax revenue to increasingly close the gap.

Only a novice would focus squarely on revenue.

"The emperor has no clothes"!

Anonymous said...

But the Emperor has lots of belly, he needs suspenders, not belts.

Anonymous said...

The way he speaks its as though its the governments money to begin with. Maintain the police, hospitals, schools and roads. Not for foreign 'embassies', his pet projects and corruption.

Lucia is going towards the next Jamaica. Too many lucians are ignorant I'm afraid. Stop voting for people bribing you with your own money.

Anonymous said...

The minister of finance has little built-in knowledge about what he is saying most of the time. And so, he is equally blind to the danger signals when fall-out from his nonsense is falling around his head. Another Saint Lucian parrot would do an equally magnificent job of smiling through the repetition of all the economic nonsense of his failed policies.

More revenue to do what my big toe.

Anonymous said...

I had not realised we have Actors in the house.
The closing address and antics by Dr Anthony has all the elements of a person having an audition for a new film.
Sadly St.Lucia does not need this.

Times are hard so lets spend $8 Million on a Music festival and at the same time lets remove all subsidies on flour,Rice and Sugar.

Put that in your pipe and smoke it.

Anonymous said...

A serious joker, that man! He must be part Trinidadian, my God? Or he is honing his skills learning from his dear wife?

Anonymous said...

I am really tired of the Kenny Anthony era. It's like a bad dream that never seems to end.
There was a time I felt very excited hearing this man, but those days are gone!
Somebody please wake me up when this man finally exits the stage. I've had enough.

Anonymous said...

Stan Bishop ---GET IT RIGHT

An overall deficit of $286.1 million has been projected for the 2013/2014 fiscal year,---WRONG---
In the Recurrent Budget, the Government of Saint Lucia is also proposing a $141 million to meet the interest payments and other charges on our debt obligations for the year. Additionally, a sum of $63.2 million had to be provided to meet debt amortization payments. When added to the Overall Deficit of $286.1 million, it results in an Overall Financing Requirement of $349.4 million.

Anonymous said...

Kenny Anthony is a joker in a pack of cards. This budget is for all intended purposes another failure of the SLP -"Blue Print for Growth".

It is sad that the elites and the highly educated people in St.Lucia are allowing the unqualified PM in finance, governance and management to get away with the miserable document. This is a disgrace on the international front.

jeff daniel said...

More revenue needed out who's pocket or were its going come from?

Anonymous said...

Between a rock and a hard place we are. I really don't know which one is worse. Is it the joker who knows only law with little business acumen to speak of? Or is it the miserable bloke who offers no prospect of having the capacity to learn either. What a mess!

Anonymous said...

KENNY looks like an ASS. And is an ASS. And in the process is taking Saint Lucia down the shoots.

He was never accustomed to anything; not clothes, not money and is now going wild, spending money like an ASS. And in the process destroying this Country.

Anonymous said...

Kenny was always low grades in Mathematics at school. And was never any bright student. That is why he studied Law. You do not need much by way of courses to get through a Law Degree.

So being a Minister of Finance and Kenny Anthony as the holder is a disaster. Not much difference from John Compton. Except that Compton used fellars like Matalon from Jamaica and COW Williams from Barbados with business acumen; to show him the way. How to do some things; whilst they got much business from the projects.

But Kenny Anthony knows everything about everything and needs no sound advice. He only needs people who can tell him what he wants to hear. So the guy the economist who left his Government to work with the Turks and Caicos Government says a heck of a lot.

Anonymous said...

Removing subsidies on flour, rice and sugar? The mainstay of dinners and breakfast; for rank and file St. Lucians. Absolute madness.

Kenny is hell-bent on treating St. Lucians like dirt and bringing them to the lowest level of poverty ever seen in St. Lucia; because of the way he was kicked out of Office in 206; when he really thought he would win; St. Lucians overwhelmingly kicked him out and brought in back an old tired man; who died in short time. Kenny is very vindictive and will never forget that kick he got in 2006. That is part of his revenge agenda .

Anonymous said...

Am I deaf or do you guys have subsonic hearing? I have not heard any talk about removing subsidies on any staple food . . . if you did, please furnish me with the facts. If you do not have it, please shut up!

Anonymous said...

Compton was a JOKE! He is the main reason we are where we are! When money was flowing (not because of him), he never advanced this country . . . educationally, morally, or infrastructurally (if this is a word). When the UK decided it would no longer protect the banana industry, he came back and told ignorant (no disrespect meant) farmers everything was alright while at the same time Euginia Charles was telling Dominicans the truth.

Compton was in power for almost 30 years and the majority of St. Lucian students could not enjoy secondary education (far less university education). What did we have as a premiere health institution? VH! It was lacking in every aspect. Some may say "well we have the DAM". Guess what, we had a dam while the infrastructure to get the water to the communities was decrepit. For 30 years he represented Micoud . . . what did he do for them? Micoud is still one of the least developed communities is St. Lucia.

The only way I can imagine Compton as the "father of the nation" is because he took st. lucia into independence. Otherwise, He was a complete failure! What's your take

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Such angst. I'd rather stay above the party and personality politics, though. Being enamoured with parties and personalities, with little examination of their policies is what go us here in the first place.

To hear MPs dismiss $3 million as "very little money" and a 1% reduction in total expenditure as negligible (when even 1% of growth would be considered significant) is revealing. Better money managers understand the value of every cent - especially in tough economic times.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Ignorance is a helluva thing--we're paying a high price for ours. For years, people have ignored the substantive part of the budget debate, choosing instead to focus on political jabs and jokes. Now, we have no choice but to pay attention to what matters most. (For those who tend to lose their focus when numbers like $385,198,631 are rattled off, the trick is to concentrate on the first 3 digits.)

Reducing capital expenditure with little or no regard for recurrent expenditure is nothing to boast about.

Anonymous said...

The prime minister does NOT understand one frigging thing about public finance. The numbers do not mean a darn thing to him. He may as well been playing with Monopoly money and Roll and Tumble.

Neither the size, nor the economic sector impact, annually or cumulatively get any attention by ANYONE in the House. Just the usual Mr. Speaker crap gets airplay.

None of the jackasses that the various constituencies repeatedly vote for, have ever seen it fit to give an analysis of the impact of spending, or the results of spending, or the growth in spending on projects or programmes or ministries under his past or shadow ministry.

Shadow ministry? What does that for example mean to the other jackasses slavishly following their jackass leaders? We have a parliament brimful of voted-for idiots!

Anonymous said...

What then to make of the erudite MP who not only stood in support of - but CONGRATULATED - the PM on an unbalanced budget that included a not-so-insignificant deficit? Cause for pause: Are our MPs truly representing our interests?

Anonymous said...

Simple answer: SLP groupthink. Plain and simple.

Had the finance minister recited the listing of the names and telephone numbers form an old telephone book in its entirety, the members of the SLP and its followers would also congratulate him on this wonderfully brilliant budget.

So don't get confused. This little amusing charade is highly consistent with party politics. It has very little to do with honesty.

Anonymous said...

More revenue? This Minister of Finance has NEVER shown the ability to manage money. SLP is making Saint Lucians poorer day by day.

He does not even know what to do with what he has had so far.

Does he manage a schedule of interest and other payments due on the huge amount of debt he has created with waste and by signing stupid contracts?

How much more s#$@&t will the people have to face with his squandering?

Now he wants even more money to waste or to hand over like a baby in diapers to foreigners like Rochamel?

This comical Minister of Finance is a very cruel joke on us!

Anonymous said...

Yes he needs more revenue to open his own Kenny Anthony Funeral Parlor in every town and village. With the value added taxes on medication, food, do you know how many little old people and the inbetween will die? Therefore his business will be booming more revenue to him. All the money in the world could not buy that idiot a clue, if he is trying to put St.Lucia out there he's failing miserably.

Anonymous said...

People, you'll are just too shallow. Why can't we deal with the substantive issue of the budget? We keep focusing on the personality and not the issue. Even if Kenny and his group are not returned to power, the substantive issue still remains . . . how do we get our economy back on track. Do we think King and his bunch will make any difference? That's a rhetorical question.

I think anonymous at 11:30 AM is on the right track on this discussion. All others are really smoke in mirrors.

Anonymous said...

Change the course of the discussion by answering your own question, above. How do we get our economy back on track? Again, we can begin by stopping the hemmorhaging then implementing growth strategies that are sustainable--examples of which have already been posted on this blog.

Separating personalities from their policies is no easy task. If political decisions are not steeped in unadulterated truth and logic, then they are guided by a personal belief and value system.
*You'll = You will
*Y'all = You all

Anonymous said...

Do you think that the Minister of Finance is capable to synthesize the numerous pieces of advice available and emerge with a concrete set of economic proposals with an effective plan of action?

Anonymous said...

The biggest problem we face in this country at this time is this:-
1. Both Parties insist on focusing on getting re-elected; and therefore they STRATEGIC FOCUS has absolutely nothing to do with what is the most important concern. And that is; ensuring that the citizens of this country enjoy a better standard of life/living however incremental given prevailing economic conditions from time to time.

The economy will always have its troughs and peaks. This is a natural phenomenon.

2. As a result of the "me and I focus" of these dishonest Politicians; they seek to place funds in projects generally they view as a facility; so to speak; which will allow their friends and well-wishers to get money galore; and at the same time; they get "kick-backs" monies under the table, to help them finance their political campaigns as well as for their own pockets.

The thinking that the peoples welfare comes first; is the most remote thought in their minds. Hence the reason why they appear to operate without any conscience.

For example; the Tuxedo Affair Scandal where a Minister and his colleagues tried to rob the Treasury from the applicable customs duties he ought to have paid. Same for the millions that went down the "drain" as per Rochamel, Grenberg and Road Works cost over-runs to name a few.

We in this country need to take a firm position and clean-out our country of these crabs posturing as literate individuals; but behave worst than animals.

They are slowly building the country up to a strange level of anger and rage; which certainly does not bode well for attracting an expansive investment environment. But, like everything else; the very longest rope has an end. Unfortunately as the well-known economist John Maynard Keynes once said "but in the meantime, we will all be dead".

Anonymous said...

I would not trust the current finance minister with even my pocket change. He would find a way in his heart to misspend it.

Anonymous said...

Yep! Not even my piggy bank. This does not convince that he even understands value and value of money. For him it is easy come, easy go. Any good from this minister of financial would be highly accidental. No management skills has ever been evident in anything he runs.

Anonymous said...

Who needs this? A man who spends money like a drunken sailor? Frenwell, Black Bay and now Grenberg? What the hell is he thinking? And then he punishes everybody for his mistakes with a VAT to pay for them? When will this foolishness end? What the hell is wrong with his god damn head?

Anonymous said...

Another term at the helm is a disaster waiting to happen for Saint Lucia. Mark my words. This does not show any signs of understanding his craft.

Anonymous said...

It is revealing the utter disgust with which St. Lucians now look upon the complete incompetence of Kenny Anthony.

We knew it as far back as the year 1999 whewn already St. Lucians were becoming aware of the 'Kenny and Tony' malady which afflicted that bulbous creature.

Unfortunately Election after Election the United Workers Party has insisted on offering up to us nothing more than opportunistic and in some cases corrupt individuals to represent us in Parliament.

When we the people tell them that it cannot be business as usual they insist on treating politics and their fellow citizens to some kind of game with their closed shop insular small island gamesmanship between their failed leaders. Stephenson King who could not run a rum shop at the bottom of the Pavee, Fredericks who cannot go to the USA and is an immoral creature, Chastanet who even his own relatives admit is a spendthrift manager, Guy Joseph -a busdriver hustling for all he can get, Bousquet -a felon in the USA, Montoute - a clown operating way beyond his abilities.

Yes we know Kenny is devious, hopeless with our money but not his, an incompetent manager but so what ? Afterall the UWP is no better.

Anonymous said...

@ May 1, 2013 at 3:01 PM above, sad. Very sad isn't it?

Be afraid. Be very afraid. Unless Saint Lucians make up their minds to get better people to represent them, it will not matter. More crap will be poured all over their faces, with some of these unsavoury characters pissing in their faces and calling it rain!

Anonymous said...

In response to the blogger at April 30, at 2:44pm: Unlike most, my institutional memory runs long. I am not fooled by today's posturing as I am well aware of history. Though there is good reason to question his capabilities--as well as his technical advisors'--for now, all is lost. Two weeks until the policy debate is more than enough time to tweak and restrategize in some instances.

Litigious politicians often scour the internet in search of potential libel suits. Why not data mine for viable proposals and workable solutions?

Anonymous said...

Leaders generally derail not because of a character flaw but rather because they respond immaturely to mounting stress and change. Leaders who are immature in their thoughts, beliefs, attitudes, and habits, however, are capable of recovering from their unleaderlike behavior....

Taken from: Intelligent Leadership: What You Need To Know To Unlock Your Full Potential by John Mattone, AMACOM, 2013

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
In response to the blogger at April 30, at 2:44pm: Unlike most, my institutional memory runs long. I am not fooled by today's posturing as I am well aware of history. Though there is good reason to question his capabilities--as well as his technical advisors'--for now, all is lost. Two weeks until the policy debate is more than enough time to tweak and restrategize in some instances.

Litigious politicians often scour the internet in search of potential libel suits. Why not data mine for viable proposals and workable solutions?

May 2, 2013 at 1:00 AM


This is a very significant observation.

It speaks to and encapsulates one of a major character and deep personality flaw.

But perhaps it is one of the most significant comments on the dismal political dynamics extant in this country of ours.

Anonymous said...

@ May 2, 2013 at 1:00 AM, the good book says:
You Will Know Them by Their Fruits - “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves. "

Anonymous said...

We are in for a very long and rough ride ahead with the long list of absolutely clueless people in politics today. Worse still is the absolutely clueless majority voters who do not or have not the capacity to know the difference.

They say that Saint Lucia is idiot country!

Anonymous said...

Legalize the weed and export it,and watch employment improve.

Anonymous said...

St. Lucia is certainly exhibiting the symptoms [at least many of those] which Jamaica exhibited in the mid-1980s. Someone who lived in Jamaica for a long time; was expressing how this country is really reminding him of Jamaica when it was going down.

May GOD help us.

Anonymous said...

We have a no-government government. On the one hand, we have a rudderless administration. On the other we have a host of UWP maggots, vultures and social and societal misfits, scoundrels, and scum all salivating in the wings to feast on the stinking and putrid gangrene created by those scamps and this administration.

Lord, I don't know which group is worse!

Anonymous said...

reading the comments i just wondering why no blogger come up with the suggestion that a prime minister can not be the minister of finance. = for all partys.

another problem we facing is that because a person is popular or have been elected by the party to run for a district he/she become a minister. ???where is the qualification for this posts?

Anonymous said...

The current prime minister has me in stiches. See how much mate knows about management of any type of situation. Watch this.
When George Odlum (an extremely poor judge of character this one) handpicked the novice to sit in the Senate, he, the current Prime Minister was on his way.

When the diffident handed him the premiership on a platter (poor judgement of character again) they thrusted greatness on the current prime minister like Teachers’ College apparently did with possible grade inflation. How else is one to interpret such excellent grades and such dismal real life performance?

Therefore, when he was given leadership of the SLP, he was on a journey. But he did not know where he was going or where he wanted to take the country. There was no vision as now, back then.

His repeated statements that he does not plan until he gets elected attests to the fact that one critical function of management, namely, STRATEGIC PLANNING is not part of that man’s skills set. That is not in his tool box.

Therefore back there as now, he still totally unprepared. There was absolutely no scenario planning. The pattern is clear. He has been making decisions, to all intents and purposes, by the seat of his pants. Look at the results!

Now when he arrived (that is when he was given the title of PM) he did not know where he was.

After all, if there is no plan, when facing a very complex situation one cannot honestly claim to fully or adequately understand what one is supposed to do survive the threats, nor take full advantage of the opportunities. Never!

Now in this budget season this same PM with all the resources of the Ministry of Finance behind him, finds himself unable to tell the country unequivocally and unambiguously, whether or not he has achieved his aims, or his goals.

There you have it all pointing to an obvious lack of another critical management skill again!

Ladies and gentlemen, are we facing a square peg in a round hole?

Our prime ministers have always been like a certain Charles Dickens character, very artful dodgers.

Managers who know their stuff set smart goals. Such goals are measurable and have time sensitivity, because those who depend on the outcomes are looking for beneficial results within a certain time frame.

Having not set smart goals, one cannot know if and when one has achieved, both quantitatively and with reasonable or efficient use of resources on hand, and on time.

And this is where is captain of the SS Saint Lucia is now. In limbo. The country? On autopilot. The captain? On a fishing expedition.

This reminds us of Christopher Columbus. When he Columbus left Spain and set sail, the bloke did not know where he was going. When he arrived in the New World, he did not know where he was. When he returned to Spain, he did not know where he had been.

I pity the Saint Lucian looking for hope and leadership in this, a climate of lax stewardship and clueless captaincy.

Anonymous said...

What foolishness is this? The concept of an open economy has nothing to do with jobs or the private sector per se. It has to do with whether or not a government can close the economy from the outside world. By so doing, the economy or country produces all that its wants and needs by keeping away imports of goods and services especially with high tariffs and/or subsidies.

An open economy speaks to the vulnerability of the economy to exogenous variables that affect the dynamics within the economy. It means lesser control of the economic variables facing the country or economy. Who is teaching those people?

Anonymous said...

Was the above clarification made in reference to the article or any preceding comments? No one mentioned the openness of the economy, so why state the obvious?

Comments on here were mostly related to the budget deficit and debt management. The reality is that we entered into international trading arrangements without building our at-home capacity. We cannot reduce our import bill if we are unable to meet our own needs as consumers. Free trade is chiefly beneficial to those who export.

Essentially we've replaced a functional tariff system--where money collected by government agencies were guaranteed to remain in government's coffer--with a loosely monitored VAT. With VAT, we're not only dependent on the ethics of private collectors but we even provide them with refunds in some measure.

Smart move, no? Sometimes I doubt the efficacy of our economic advisors.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hey! Nice that this is obvious to some of us.

However, I believe that the 'open economy' issue is related to a government spokesperson and that was documented on HTS.

VAT is a tax on people to pay for the mistakes of politicians past and present. Even the most advanced economy in the world, the US, has never ever even flirted with a VAT. There they have numerous laws and mechanisms to keep tabs on tax cheats. Do we?

Anonymous said...

In the US, some states have instituted a sales tax--generally, not as high as SLU's 15% though. VAT or sales tax, mere semantics. If Inland Revenue's notorious delay in paying tax refunds is any measure, I suppose we don't have the institutional capacity to closely monitor and prosecute tax evaders in a timely manner.

Anonymous said...

Only those with just a smattering of knowledge about economics and see a VAT as being the same thing in economic impact as a POS sales tax. A little knowledge is a dangerous thing, they say.

Anonymous said...

I work for a dollar and I only own 85 cents of that dollar. I do not work and I still have to find 15% to give to the government because when I buy something at the store I have to pay VAT. When next they going to raise the VAT? Because it seems the government never have enough Revenue!

Anonymous said...

I work for a dollar and I only own 85 cents of that dollar. I do not work and I still have to find 15% to give to the government because when I buy something at the store I have to pay VAT. When next they going to raise the VAT? Because it seems the government never have enough Revenue!

Anonymous said...

In response to the blogger at May 11, at 9:31am: You're absolutely right, a little knowledge can be dangerous but what's even more calamitous is presumed ignorance. I can only be held accountable for what I type, not for what you understand or interpret.

At no time did I state that the VAT and Sales Tax were completely the same. In fact, I hastened to add "mere semantics"--clearly indicating difference in meanings. My point was that BOTH are TAXES ON CONSUMER ITEMS.

Anonymous said...

Only those with just a smattering of knowledge about economics and see a VAT as being the same thing in economic impact as a POS sales tax. A little knowledge is a dangerous thing, they say.

This is what happens when we attempt to destroy rather than elevate the discussion. We lose our bearings. The field most applicable to the discussion of taxes is Accounting and not necessarily Economics--both of which I have more than a "smattering of knowledge" in, but that's besides the point.

If you assume there is ignorance, you inform not denigrate. Have a great day!