Friday, April 19, 2013

Ten reasons why it is wrong to give the “morning after pill” to children


Anonymous said...

For years white liberal America has forced its vile sexual policies on our African centric communities. From sexual freeness, anti-family policies and legislation, pro-abortion policies, faux marriage and even "sexual orientation" which means that paedophilia and multi marriages could be your orientation.

That indoctrination has given our black communities the highest out of wedlock rate in the world (which creates dysfunctional youth and high murder and drug usage rates) plus massive abortion rates.

Planned Parenthood was founded by a racist woman called Margaret Sanger who promoted placing abortion clinics next to black neighbourhoods to kill black people. Now 60% of black pregnancies in New York are aborted.
We see the result around us of these white liberal social and fiscal policies. High black unemployment, low wealth creation, high black on black murder rates,low educational levels, the feminiation of poverty.

The unfortunate thing is that the liberal politicians , academics and media hide these statistics and research linking their policies with the low place of our people in society and we follow them like blind mice.

Our economic backwardness is directly related to following these anti Christian social policies of groups like Planned Parenthood who are only in it for the power, perks, pensions that the Planned Parenthood big shots make all over the world.

I am glad that someone is saying something about these policies as we the peole do not seem to know what it is that is killing our societies.

Anonymous said...

Isn't it obvious.
If we give children these drugs like candy (which is what these abortion providers want) we are actually saying sex for children under the age of consent is OK?

This just gives the perpetrators more reason to keep on doing on what they are doing!

12 year olds have sex. No problem, just give them the morning after pill!
The biggest issue is that we Lucians cannot see that our country is becoming indesciplined, vlgar and backward because of these policies.

Anonymous said...

We have gone backwards as an economy with no jobs, VAT, a poor work ethic ,politicians as scamps because we keep on doing these anti-Christian things and we beleive these politicians and liberals when they say it has nothing to do with our quality of life.

Armchair Anonymous said...

After reading this very powerful article ... what was NOT mentioned is the FACT that this powerful drug could cause cancer in young girls!!

Cervical cancer is on the rise among young women, and seems to stem from contraceptives, especially the "morning after pill".

This method of contraception is touted as "simply give it to them, and the problem will go away" ... while creating another problem!!

Cancer is not an easy disease to deal with, especially in young girls.

Anonymous said...

The writer made a good point that this answer to early sexual initiation in girls and even children does not address the problem and even makes it worst for our girls.

Looks like just another finger in the hole in the dam even as more leaks are appearing everywhere.

Anonymous said...

How can we deal with these kind of problems when the government itself is the chief pusher of all these policies?

One of the main women in the Labor Party is Menissa Rambally who pushed the abortion bill through Parliament and is a big 'progressive' on all hese anti- Christian agendas. That is why we can never get anywhere.

Anonymous said...

How can we deal with these kind of problems when the government itself is the chief pusher of all these policies?

One of the main women in the Labor Party is Menissa Rambally who pushed the abortion bill through Parliament and is a big 'progressive' on all hese anti- Christian agendas. That is why we can never get anywhere.

Anonymous said...

How can we deal with these kind of problems when the government itself is the chief pusher of all these policies?

One of the main women in the Labor Party is Menissa Rambally who pushed the abortion bill through Parliament and is a big 'progressive' on all hese anti- Christian agendas. That is why we can never get anywhere.

Anonymous said...

Watching Sarah Flood-Beaubrun's DBS newsclip on this issue is akin to chemical titration--one drop too many ruins the entire experiment. All I did was blink and suddenly she switched from the harmful threat of underaged sex to Saint Lucia possibly being overrun with pedophiles from all over the world!

Is she serious? Half the world isn't even aware of the existence of this rock. If she dials down the overzealous rhetoric, perhaps then her message would not be lost on those whom she seeks to influence.

Anonymous said...

As we watch our economy and society implode we witness the unfortunate phenomena of our intellectual class more interested in hearing the sound of their own voices as they count the number of angels on the head of a pin instead of finding solutions to our problems.

The commentator above talking about chemical titration does not address the issues being tackled by Sarah Flood Beaubrun of the fundamental breakdown of the values that once gave our society promising options.

This breakdown is represented by our glossing over of the breakdown of family, marriage, of self discipline and of our economy, represented by the over sexualisation of teenagers and the feminization of poverty by this white liberal focus on sex as a tool to destroy our Christian values. And a very successful breakdown it has been as attested to by the decline we now face in St. Lucia. And the rest of the Caribbean.

Rather than focus on the very important point raised by Mrs. Flood Beaubrun the titration expert above dismisses and/or ignores all the points raised in order to have his narcissistic rant about paedophilia, thereby concentrating on his/her self importance.

Contribution nothing to the argument or St. Lucia’s development he goes to sleep happy in the knowledge of having informed us of his grasp of titration.
In the meantime paedophilia is still rampant in St. Lucia as is the sexualisation of our children as is girls have sex from as young as 10 years old but I guess that that is significantly less important than chemical processes.

Anonymous said...

The problem is that we lack seriousness and maturity in St. Lucia and our African centric communities.
Even when given the tools of education we concentrate on ourselves and fitting in to a politically correct environment.

We do not look at cause and effect or demand feedback - we just like pretending to be bright and cutting edge following that which makes us weak.

Anonymous said...

Forget political correctness, no one said SFB was wrong to raise her concerns. The problem arises when salient points get lost in seemingly fanatical rhetoric--a scenario she knows all too well. Ideas should be presented purposefully; as the article demonstrates.

Pray tell, how does over-the-counter access to the morning after pill lead to Saint Lucia being overrun with pedophiles from overseas? Stay on message.

Anonymous said...

The fact that we are dealing with a surge in sexual activity of youngsters and pregnancy of teenage girls between 13 -16 means that there is an increase of sexual activity between children and teenagers and quite possibly we have paedophiles in our midst taking avantage of a poor economic climate to advance their own perverse desires.

(From Wikipedia)

"As a medical diagnosis, pedophilia or paedophilia is a psychiatric disorder in persons 16 years of age or older typically characterized by a primary or exclusive sexual interest toward prepubescent children (generally age 11 years or younger, though specific diagnosis criteria for the disorder extends the cut-off point for prepubescence to age 13).[1][2][3][4] An adolescent who is 16 years of age or older must be at least five years older than the prepubescent child before the attraction can be diagnosed as pedophilia."

We constantly hear of and see the out of control sexualization of society that has taken place in the past 40 years. Have you not seen the 5 and 6 year olds proudly displayed at Carnival 'whining' with the adults giving the excuse that this part of our African culture !

Aside from what we see we also hear constantly of the lax sexual promiscuity rampant in St. Lucia. Do you not think we already have paedophelia well established here as young girls are seen as easy in this sexual climate ?

Let us get real and stop denying what is already quite plain in front of our faces.

I do not know about you but I have had a number of friends from other countries come to St. Lucia for a period of time who are quite disgusted at the sexual mores being displayed in Fair Helen.

Anonymous said...

Clearly, you cannot answer the question posed. I could've even contended that if the morning after pill essentially achieves the results of condom use--albeit delayed--why aren't we already being overrun with pedophiles from overseas?

You quoted Wikipedia of all sources, please be advised that ANYONE--even I--can get on there and edit the information that you've presented. If you want to be taken seriously, quote credible sources and stay on message.

Anonymous said...

A fool 'spinning top in mud' is our titration expert. Loves the sound of his voice, loves achieving nothing of consequence in his life except playing with words. Has no answers to St. Lucia's problems in fact is one of the problems because our society thinks because he may have achieved some type of education is of value. Poor soul who only hears the babble within his/her narcissistic bubble.

No amount of logic can get through the ignorance and lack of intellect.

Anonymous said...

So much mindless ranting and STILL cannot answer the question posed.