Saturday, April 26, 2014

Estimates In House Tuesday

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I wonder whether there is any parliamentarian in the House today who can measure up to the standard of debate that this Estimates of Income and Expenditure debate demands.

We have no such precedent. Compton did not follow standard parliamentary procedure for all his political life!

The people were not aware. The people did not demand it.

Is there someone out there who has done, or has the ability to do his or her homework, especially on the Opposition benches? Such a performance is what clearly distinguishes and separates the sheep from the goats.

Without some background in, or knowledge of financial management or public finance, we may yet again have to endure, if we dare to listen to all of it, to a painfully boring and customary monotonous "Mr. Speaker ....", with absolute nonsense being frothed and blathered afterwards.

It may take a very long time for the instruments of parliamentary democracy be known and skillfully used to further our development as a nation.