Saturday, April 12, 2014

Who Is A St. Lucian?


Anonymous said...

I agree with, and to almost all of the provisions, except all the costs involved to some applicants. The stamp duty, of course is exempted, and is not considered burdensome.

Nationality, does it have value? Well, if so, then you should be charged a price equal to, or near the economic cost to produce the necessary documentation. Let it reflect that.

It follows therefore, that those who want our citizenship and are born outside of Saint Lucia, must make a conscious decision to become a Saint Lucian citizen, and pay a price.

Naturalised Saint Lucians are in the habit of treating born and bred Saint Lucians as second-class citizens and poor relations. They come in, grab the top positions in the country and go on to maltreat born and bred Saint Lucians. Do you recall the fate that befell Anse La Raye and Canaries under one such? History may just about ready to repeat itself.

But yet, we treat our born and bred who travel to learn or improve themselves worse than naturalised Saint Lucians. We have even placed legal and other obstacles in their way, making it unattractive or still very difficult for them to return.

Any technical knowledge and the foreign exchange retirement fund inflows are forgone. And of course, this country remains worse-off and poorer for this.

If born overseas, and the country of your birth does not recognise you as its own, how can you expect both exceptional and preferential treatment elsewhere in the world? I am afraid that this is what your parents chose for you.

Here is an interesting film-documented story regarding this. In Africa, some of those making a living in the cities, and you may call them economic refugees if you will, travel on the dirt roads and back-roads, right back into the interior to their tribal lands to give birth.

It follows therefore, that those who want our citizenship and are born outside of Saint Lucia, must make a conscious decision to become a Saint Lucian.

The coded numbers in national identity cards right here in the CARICOM region, bear this out. Check them out.

It follows therefore, that both John Compton, had he been alive, and Chastanet who has vowed to follow directly in his footsteps, would have to register as naturalised citizens of Saint Lucia. They both were not born here.

Do you see why one can't honestly be called father of any nation? That one did not bring on board any ship, settlers from Canaouan. He and they did not set up any flag, nor did they surround or defended that with a garrison, guns and cannon balls. Besides the island was named Saint Lucia long before the birth of that one outside of Saint Lucia.

Constitutional lawyers know the difference. The provisions and the requirements Mr. Girard, at least will lend themselves to affording greater and due respect to Saint Lucia's sovereignty and nationalism.

Most of the heads of parties, both past and present have yet to fully absorb or acknowledge, what it means, this concept called nationhood. The notion has been reduced to, or has been trumped by the acquisition of just a mere piece of paper! How sad.

Anonymous said...

quote: children born in foreign countries may become stateless?

a child born in a foreign country become a citizen of that country therefore it is not stateless.
If the child can have 2 citizenship depends on the country of birth.

Anonymous said...

@12:35 PM, not exactly. There are some states that guard this status extremely carefully. It is a marked of profound ignorance and immaturity that we ignore the importance of nationality differences.

Take for instance the travesty that passes for the rule of law and justice in Santo Domingo. Children born of Haitian parents in Santo Domingo, legally are not regarded as being nationals of Santo Domingo.

Yet this government pretends to have the interests of the majority Black Caribbean people at heart. The European Union Member States believe this, so much so that they funnel some their development aid to the region through Santo Domingo.

Anonymous said...

Chastanet is not a born lucian - period. THAT WILL NOT CHANGE

ABC said...

So was the FATHER OF THE OUR NATION, he, he, he.

Anonymous said...

Therefore, your father is really your beau père. He, he, he!

ABC said...

And you don't have/had a father cause it was a raffle to know who was your father. Salay hip hop.

MR. "T" said...

your father is also your grandfather!!!

and your uncle is also your father!!!!!

manmay-la mele?

Anonymous said...

Yepppppppp! Saint Lucians do have a fundamental identity crisis.

Lucianscorpio said...


That's not exactly accurate .... In many developed countries, a child's nationality is not determined by his/her having been born in the country in question. For example, in some European countries (like France & its dependent territories) the child born there automatically adopts the nationality of its mother, unless its father (assuming he's a French national) claims the child as his. Many countries don't take citizenship very lightly .....

Anonymous said...

Saint Lucians have been taken for ride with this thing called "father of nation". Those who stand to benefit can erect 100 million statues!

The truth of the matter stands. We have a beau pere! But not a father. He came from outside the true Saint Lucian family. This careless generation is boldly lying to the innocent children!

Where you are born matters!

Anonymous said...

Part of the national anthem goes like this. "Love the land that gave us birth."

The question is this. Regarding Saint Lucia, where do John Compton and Allan Chastanet fit into that, when they were born elsewhere? UWP is so damn phony! So alien!

Here are the usual suspects. Compton, Mallet, and Sir Chastanet.

See why one of his daughters famously gave her establishment a non-Saint Lucian name? She went back home mi son.

Bah humbug! Wake me up when a genuine Saint Lucian wins an internationally-recognized prize in the field of technology. For now, I'm off to sleep. Peace!

Anonymous said...

"So alien! So Allen!" An SLP campaign ad.

Anonymous said...

To answer the question, it is someone whose navel string is buried here. All others are naturalised. They are 'come-heres'. That is how it is around the world.

Anonymous said...

Where you are born matters.