Saturday, April 26, 2014

The Whole Truth.....Nothing More


Anonymous said...

Peter "Posie" Josie, you are such a blatant contradiction and a bag of deceit, it hurts! You speak of strangeness, and mendicancy, and the Forum, yet you show the worst form of beggarliness by week after week promoting a bag of deceit and incompetence like Allen Chastanet to be Prime Minister of St. Lucia. A proven tax evader is your best bet for our next Prime Minister? And do you know that Allen knows that you are only showing your mendicancy, when you promote him to be PM? Allen knows that all you are doing is trying to curry favour with him and his father, being the BLOODY BEGGAR that you are, you bloody House Slave! One thing I know is that the Forum did not teach you to beg! You acquired the begging habit when you became Minister of Majiculture, and begun travelling to New York in Jigger boots, you bastard! I quote you here, you shameless bastard, you who have insulted the beautiful Black women of my country. Remember Josie, that every DOG has its day. "It seems strange that the island has gained political independence but wherever we turn we see a greater mendicancy and dependence. When and where did such behaviour first arise? It certainly did not come from the St. Lucia Forum which advocated black pride and dignity and instructed the people to ‘take up his bed and walk,’ if they were to ever achieve manhood and true independence."

Son-of-man said...
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Son-of-man said...


Anon @ 2:20

You too have recognized the true characteristics of this fawning critter. I applaud your accuracy in assessing Josie's pathology, so allow me to thank you on behalf of the readers of this Newspaper of Record, the Voice of St. Lucia, for the truthful depiction of this Brain-damage Negro Slave Peter Josie.

Now, this! Your comment 2:20, is proof that the readers of the Voice of St. Lucia are of superior intellect.

Anonymous said...

Son of Man, you have also, long ago, and repeatedly, exposed the fawning bastard "Josie Posie" for exactly what he is: A BEGGAR and a House Slave. I am a proud Saint Lucian, and I make it my business to support Lucian writers, by buying their books in large amounts, to give to friends and charitable houses. Yet, for the first time in my life, I just could NOT buy a book produced by a Lucian: "Shattered Dreams". Why? Because long ago, Peter Josie ceased to be a man of conviction. And a man who writes without conviction, is not a writer, but a BEGGAR! As much as I detest certain things about Rick Wayne, I respect him. Rick may be on the opposite side of my fence, but he writes with conviction some of the time. Rick's sense of conviction waned when he decided that Kenny Anthony must be attacked even when Kenny was obviously the lesser of our political evils. Can you imagine supporting Stephenson King to be our PM instead of Kenny? But I forgave Rick on that score, because as a journalist, it is his privilege to engage in Public Relations. But Josie is no journalist, and has no right to engage in sick PR just to pick up Chastanet's crumbs off the floor. Such nastiness is an abomination coming from a former Forum Member and a bosom brother of George Odlum. George must be turning in his grave. If I were not a Law abiding citizen, I would already have physically assaulted Josie a long time ago, for the bloody shame he brings upon St. Lucian progressive people, and upon the memory of the Forum. What is interesting though is that Allen Chas will be the first to kick Josie's ass tomorrow, aware as Allen is of Josie's criminal fawning and begging! Long Live Helen.

Anonymous said...

Peter, does it bother you that that the parents of those three little GIRLS killed on the Gros Islet road NINE YEARS ago are still seeking JUSTICE???