Saturday, September 6, 2014

The ‘Ayes’ Do Not Have It


Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness; you mean the St. Lucia Labour Party is really considering this ogre; this waste of a man in its politics.

Oh happy day. Get on with it Kenny; we who sit on the sidelines love it. LOL.

Anonymous said...

You could have said that, much more briefly Jan: "We have country bookie jackass government, and we always get the government that we deserve. "

MR. "T" said...

rapier you are a fu6574c97king low-down storyteller we all know who the rapier's are, so don't come with this bull-shit about we reward her because she is smart etc.

the rapier's has RIP this country for a very long time bleed the hell out of our people paying their workers at the loess wages ever. so your family can afford all the boasting that you are making.

your story is nothing but the same political propaganda that you propagate against the Prime minister and the poor-people of this country every week.
jan the time is fast approaching when things like you will see the oppressed people moving up the economical ladder because we will understand who are the rapiers aka:"THE DRONES" the slave's masters. our people will study the life of the bees and act like the bees in due time. we will sure push the drones who are sucking all the royal honey from the hive into a hell prepared for them. there will be weeping and gashing of teeth.

Anonymous said...

The government borrowed $millions to buy computers when we knew the following:
At least 20% of the students already had laptops or desktops or tablets. Probably a higher %age have smartphones.
Without supervision a large number of recipients would use the laptops for social networking on Facebook, Watsap, Messenger or watching movies and videos or watching porn. Anything but schoolwork!

One of the issues our dumb liberals have kept on touting is that computers and the internet are automatically the answer to all of out problems. We have made no analysis of the hundreds of millions it has cost the country in fees paid to Lime and Digicel. We have made no analysis of the millions in man hours lost to web surfing and mindless social networking on the above mentioned sites including for civil servants already notorious for wasting taxpayer's money.
We have made no analysis of the corrupting influence of the pornography or filth being accessed by an already vulgar people.
I remember over 5 years ago going to an acquaintance's house and the screensaver on his teenage sons desktop was a woman spreadeagled with not a stitch of clothes on and all the mother could say is that she told the boy not to put these things on!
But the Kennys and Fletchers are happy to give out these computers because they think it shows how smart they are and serve as bribes by these liberals/progressives for votes from a grasping public.
They have no answers to problems just politically correct failed jargon and policies that continues the mendicancy of our people. Pathetic losers!
When will we wake up to the fact that Kenny destroys all he touches and no amount of sleigh of hand talking or arrogant blustering or the self confidence of that narcissistic loser can change his over one decade of failure!

Anonymous said...

@1:56 PM, in other words, we have "King Midas" in Reverse.

Everything he touches goes bad and gets destroyed.

Anonymous said...

Life in the politically correct liberal/progressive/socialist world of our black cultures from the African American killing fields of Chicago or Detroit or Miami to the depressed poverty strewn rural areas of Kingston or Castries or Port of Spain have now become the norm.

Satiated on drugs, sex, government welfare payments, electronic web surfing and social time wasting paid for from taxes and borrowing our people have taken the lazy and destructive way out of life and languish at the bottom of the socio economic pile.

The liberal elites like Kenny Anthony and other Caribbean parasitical politicians like it so.

They want a population lacking intellectual curiosity so that they cannot rationalize the incompetence of our leaders and the trap they have set.
They want a middle class satiated on destructive pleasures so they do not understand why they are feeling economic pain.
They want 13 year olds engaging in sexual activity drinking alcohol and watching vulgarity on their smartphones so they lack any ambition.
They want the population accepting the politically correct utterly failed left wing solutions which keeps our people as mendicants.
They want our women abandoning the society building block of marriage
and accepting the indescipline of the sexual freeness and personal indescipline which they prefer to the effort required to build a strong society.

As long as we do not address these
issues no amount of switching from one liberal political party to another will make any difference.
We must also put paid the the MYTH that we have conservative and liberal parties in these countries. The UWP is described as conservative. What a joke! Which part of that party is any different than the SLP on social or conservative issues! You could not put a piece of cigarette paper between their policies!

Kenny, King bousquet pierre mo toute joseph fredericks are laughing at us all the way to the bank as they fight to divide the spoils among themselves.
We are the suckers!