Saturday, January 7, 2012

Embargos and taxes present new woes



Son-of-man said...
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Son-of-man said...

Let us establish initially that Persia is Iran. The Persian Gulf is to Iran what the Gulf of Alaska is to the USA. If Iran came into the Gulf of Alaska with implements of war while threating to attack the petroleum facilities of the USA, the USA would be justified for taking actions to neutralize the threat on her shores. War by any other name is WAR! Destroying a production facility with the use of armament is the same as destroying it using economic strangulation. Shoot you, or strangle you – same result. The tail wags the dog in the situation there in the Gulf of Persia. AIPAC, or the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, considered as the most powerful lobby in Washington DC has bought and controls the “elected” members of the USA, extracting billions of dollars from our country to prop up the apartheid state of Israel militarily. Even more frightening is the love for “Endless Wars” by the people of the USA, even though some citizens have shown signs of war-fatigue. Obama has turned out to be an “Oreo cookie” and has killed more civilians in Pakistan with drone warfare than his predecessor Bush. I keep thinking why did he get a Nobel Peace prize? He is no Martin Luther King! The Concentration Camp at Guantanamo Bay is open and functioning in the face of numerous promises to close that disgraceful Christian symbol by Obama. The torture continues at Bagram prison with Obama. President Hamid Karzai of Afghanistan on Thursday called for the United States to hand over its biggest military prison in Afghanistan within a month because USA continues to torture and violate human rights under Obama. Those imprisoned there have never been charged with a crime, nor do they have any meaningful way of challenging their detention. A scandal unfolding in Denmark over the transfer of Iraqi prisoners by Danish forces to Iraq authorities, even as they knew they would be tortured, threatens to implicate the current Secretary General of NATO Anders Fogh Rasmussen, formerly prime minister of Denmark from 2001-2009. While you continue to lament the financial ruin of these pirate nations if hostilities were started in the Iranian Gulf, these Western countries continue to plunder and subjugate human beings everywhere to increase the profits of Wall Street. President Barack Obama on New Year’s Eve signed legislation that introduces into law two highly controversial tenets of the so-called "war on terror"(recall the war-on-drugs?): indefinite detention of terrorism suspects without charge, and the jailing of American citizens without trial. It also takes terrorism-related cases out of the hands of the FBI and the civilian court system and hands them over to the military. So for writing this response the Marines may kill or make me “disappear” at Abu Gharib.

Now Obama has imposed the same detestable actions of assassinations, indefinite detentions, and murder of Americans without trials, and approved a bill (known as the National Defense Authorization Act). Claiming his administration would not allow the military to kill and detain Americans indefinitely. I keep thinking: "what about an administration of a DICK CHENEY or a RUDY JULIANI or Christi?"

Anthony Romero, executive director of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), called Obama’s action “a blight on his legacy because he will forever be known as the president who signed indefinite detention without charge or trial into law. Any hope that the Obama administration would roll back the constitutional excesses of George Bush in the war on terror was extinguished today.”

Tears in Occupied Basra, Iraq. AIPAC had played a key role in fomenting support for the U.S. invasion of Iraq. It is playing an even greater role in supporting a future military strike against the people of Iran.

Anonymous said...


You can now add this flagrant act of TERROR by Israel USA, to the acts of aggression against the people of Iran. Invert the assassination where an Israeli or American was murdered on his way to work? the word TERRORISM TERRORIST would have inundated the News/Propaganda of your "Industrialized" Nations, and would have been labeled "AN ACT OF WAR" by the USA - how is this murder any different than those of 911?

The Iranian nuclear scientist was killed by a car bomb in northern Tehran on Wednesday while driving to his job. This is the fifth murder of an Iranian nuclear scientists in two years.

Dr.Mostafa Ahmadi Roshan, 32, was a chemical engineer and the director of the Natanz uranium enrichment facility. The blast killed and wounded several people.

The bombs were magnetic and attached to the scientist's car by two people riding motorcycles. The attacks are similar to the previous killings of scientists working in Iran's nuclear program.

Do you think that Iran has the right of "AN EYE FOR AN EYE"?