Saturday, January 21, 2012

Ras Ipa Expelled from ICAR



rascal. said...

jah rasta fred i
fix up u allself bro.rat-ta-ta-

Lucian Tween said...

both rasta and babylon have corruption.

I guess they wont be chasing any baldheads out of town

Better Days Ahead said...

just now you will hear ras ipa want to either start his own political party or join he already seem to be on the slp side cause they may or may not push his agenda as to arcade vendors plight and payment dues to the CCC.. he was once a huge fan of UWP .. PROB CHANGED HIS ALLEGEANCE YEARS AGO ... he and other vendors at the arcade need to sell a variety of goods and not the same ole stuff like stlucian t-shirts and multicoloured clothing..

Anonymous said...

It seems very obvious to me that this Aaron Alexander guy is a little tin dictator in ICAR, and Ipa must take him head on. Hear this from the article: "According to Isaac the Council had not given him a written notice calling on him to resign, neither has it given him an opportunity to be heard by the directors.
He wants to know from the Council when was the resolution passed and how many members were present.
Isaac accused Alexander of expelling him without due process and of misusing and abusing his position as Chairman of ICAR Inc. He promised not to comply with the Council’s letter of November 7, 2011."

Bloggers isn't it clear that something is wrong with Ras Aaron Alexander's management style. Ras Ipa must stand up to this man and ICAR must not allow a dictator to lead the organization. DONNA BAPTISTE.

Anonymous said...

Who stole more money?

Anonymous said...

The war of the DREADS.
Even in Zion, there's confusion and corruption.
But then again, there was rebellion in heaven too; satan was kicked out just like Ras Ipa.

Anonymous said...

Good for Ras Ipa. He does not appear to be a genuine rastaman. He is an opportunist!