Thursday, April 4, 2013



Anonymous said...


Once again you need to stop injecting your political bias into a lead story. You are already notorious for doing so in your opinion section. It's time to treat your readers and followers of the VOICe with respect.
You wrote: By challenging the resolution in the manner in which he did, Frederick may have caused more damage to the Stephenson adminstration.."
Check yourself man. No one ask you for your opinion here==only the facts!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, Richard Frederick opposed!!

Why, he would rather those University Student roam the streets and become drug lords, right!

Damned, SMH is total disbelief!!

Anonymous said...

What do country-boukeys know about national development? What do slime-balls and morons know about education? What do the dregs of society know about human capital formation? What do scumbags know about building a productive society? Why are stinking ass-wholes in the people's parliament, and what do they know about a creating a decent society?

Anonymous said...

Education has no price and therefore people and government must do all in their power to education the nation.

Anonymous said...

Micah needs to heed to the advice in the first blog. I too wonder with sadness what he is doing to his chosen and noble profession. If he keeps writing those one-sided articles and continues to inject his political preference in them it is guaranteed that history will view him harshly. @ 1: 48 PM you must stop reading dictionary of words and phrases alone. Time to do some thinking. But, before you start thinking, make sure you wash your mouth and whatever else is dirty on you. Enough said....

Anonymous said...

What a load of crap! If a columnist has a bias then you either read what he or she has to say or ignore what has been said.

Damn it, idiot! It is his column! No? So why present your brand of sheetee thinking to the public. Sarkway kouyon!

Anonymous said...

yea, i just finished reading this and though i am not aware of who Micah is or which party he supports, this articles sounds more like something coming from the desk of the Press Secretary than a journalist who is just reporting the story without being biased in any way. it seems that everything in this country is seen through political eyes and something is good or bad based solely on who you are likely to vote, lol this is a sure sign that we are entering dark dark days

Anonymous said...

It is noble that the government is providing loans for students to further their education. What happens when they are through with their schooling? Are they coming back to St. Lucia? What are they coming back to? Will their be jobs that will allow them to use their education? Providing opportunities for these individuals when they're done with their schooling is essential. Right now that is not happening.

Anonymous said...

KENNY ANTHONY is putting his tail deeper and deeper in HOT WATER.

The questions being asked by the Representative of Central Castries is extremely VALID. And many individuals are asking that same question. Something STINKS in the State of SAINT LUCIA crying out to high heaven.

And worst yet, KENNY ANTHONY looks exactly like a 'DEVIL" IN THIS PICTURE.


This fellar must be evil to be looking like this at his age.

What a mess.

Anonymous said...

So what the HELL is wrong with sending these students to one of the three campuses of the University of the West Indies where Government is already paying its contribution.

In this guava season you send students on taxpayers funds to North America. Since when KENNY ANTHONY supports North American Universities?

Are these for SPYING purposes? I find it rather strange.

KENNY ANTHONY like FIDEL CASTRO has always and continues to castigate and have a problem with anything NORTH-AMERICAN.

Check his Public statements .

Anonymous said...

Blogger of April 04 at 1.48PM. your comment should be removed. You depicted everything you just wrote. That's exactly who you are. And we all know who you are. Because you boast about what you write on the blogs all over the place. Shameless.

Anonymous said...

This is just another of KENNY ANTHONY's slime tricks. I say like the other Blogger. Publish the names of these select students, the criteria and all relevant particulars. I don't trust anything JIMMY FLETCHER has his hands in; worst yet, with KENNY ANTHONY involved. Nuff said.

Anonymous said...

----What do country-boukeys know about national development? What do slime-balls and morons know about education? What do the dregs of society know about human capital formation? What do scumbags know about building a productive society? Why are stinking ass-wholes in the people's parliament, and what do they know about a creating a decent society? ----

Anonymous said...

Oh no. Kenny Anthony looks disfigured.

Anonymous said...

Where is the hundred million dollars Kenny said he would put in the economy?

Where are we getting five hundred million united states dollars to give Jack Grenberg of the Grenberg oil exploration scandal who has sued the Government ?


Is Kenny Anthony losing his mind? Is he all there?

Anonymous said...

Some Saint Lucians are so god damn gullible and moronic they will not ever see the light. Imagine worshipping a drug baron as a your leader or an ex-convict as your role model. This god forsaken country is sliding into greater damnation by the minute. Even civil servants who had status and high self-esteem are now behaving like Taliban terrorists.

With creatures like fredericks as a representative of his ilk, Saint Lucia is generating two-legged dogs for people.

Anonymous said...

I tend to skip shoddy literature because, well, my IQ cringes. However, there has been a slight improvement in the reading ease for Micah's articles lately. Duly noted.

There were days when I could barely get past the mire of his 15-lines-long, double-barreled lead sentence. (Mazeltov?!) Nothing irks me more than tacitly endorsed mediocrity, so readers are as much to blame for not demanding better from him.

Point of correction, though: this is a lead story, not an editorial and by no means a column.

Anonymous said...

Blogger at April 4, 2013 at 6:40 PM, would you much rather the people idolize icons of mal-administration, blatant nepotism, usurping and wastage? Let's not be selective in our criticism. This country is in shambles partly because we have CONSISTENTLY elected detritus to public office.

I found the senate session relating to this article far more instructive than the parliamentary session. Far less arrogance and contempt in the senate. I watched adults debate a proposed bill logically - without the useless rancor. I was especially impressed with the contributions of the independent senators.

Maybe the lesson in all of this is that people see more clearly when their red- and yellow-tinted glasses are removed.

Anonymous said...

Micah has now become a mouthpiece and PR flack for the St. Lucia Labour Party. Who would have thought!

This whole issue of borrowing and guaranteeing is killing our economy and country.

When the SLP first came into power in 1997 St. Lucia paid $1.25 million PER MONTH in interest payments.
When they were fired in 2006 that interest payment level was $1.25+ million PER WEEK.

The liberal viewpoint that freedom and governance is freeness is alive and well in St. Lucia.

Anonymous said...

<< Blogger at April 4, 2013 at 6:40 PM, would you much rather the people idolize icons of mal-administration, blatant nepotism, usurping and wastage? Let's not be selective in our criticism. This country is in shambles partly because we have CONSISTENTLY elected detritus to public office.

I found the senate session relating to this article far more instructive than the parliamentary session. Far less arrogance and contempt in the senate. I watched adults debate a proposed bill logically - without the useless rancor. I was especially impressed with the contributions of the independent senators.

Maybe the lesson in all of this is that people see more clearly when their red- and yellow-tinted glasses are removed.

April 5, 2013 at 2:33 AM >>

It is clear from the above that this commentator is neither someone seeking good governance nor someone who knows much about the government and politics.

Once there is a clear attempt to make difference or choice between these two groups of idiots called elected politicians, you have lost your way already. Who has time to read and listen to this childlike but holy crap as has been spewed above?

Anonymous said...

Clearly, you do. (Well, *read rather than *listen; but maybe you hear voices?) I do not suffer fools, but I also don't engage wantwits. Appreciate the repost, though.

Anonymous said...

Kenny has never been one to encourage studies beyond the Bachelor's degree nor at certain institutions. Point: he does not like competition.

Anonymous said...

To April 4, 2013 at 6:40 PM:
Did you say Drug Baron and ex convict?
Please provide the evidence to support your assertions. Let me guess you’re just an-other SLP hack playing the some old broken record while your party is infested with rapists, dead beats, and white color criminals.

Anonymous said...

...and bam bam blockers

Anonymous said...

MOVE YOUR!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
To April 4, 2013 at 6:40 PM:
Did you say Drug Baron and ex convict?
-- Please provide the evidence to support your assertions. Let me guess you’re just an-other SLP hack playing the some old broken record while your party is infested with rapists, dead beats, and white color criminals.

April 5, 2013 at 12:00 PM --

Some people do not think that in a borbolist-minded population, it is worth their lives to come out with evidence.

Who wants to die a hero for idiots?

Anonymous said...

"Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence!"

-- Carl Sagan, Astronomer

"Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence!"

-- Donald Rumsfeld, Military strategist

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't be so quick to quote Rumsfeld. Before holding people up as vanguards, you should first learn their history.

He was soundly disgraced after the Bush administration invaded Iraq on the premise of hidden weapons of mass destruction. A decade later, billions of dollars spent, thousands of lives lost - both civilians and military ... still nothing.

We must not allow ourselves to be sidetracked by useless innuendo - DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT and let's get on with the business of the state. These are critical times.

Anonymous said...

Wait a minute! We know the credibility of the person making statements affects the perception of what is said.

That said, did you NOT see that the same statement is accredited ALSO to someone else?

Does that mean that the dictum should be summarily dismissed because you PERSONALLY have a difficulty with Rumsfeld?

The question which emerges is this: Do you have the maturity and cognitive ability to tease out what is useful from what a person says from that which he or she may do or say in every context?

Back to this nation's business. To me, this VERY POLITICAL disingenuous opposition of the UWP to the loan guarantee is a specious appeal to the masses of low information processors in the population.

FIRST, although the guarantee does enter into the calculation of the very poorly understood debt burden ratio, its downside effects is only realized, if and only if, any or worse, ALL the students default on their repayments -- and all at once.

SECOND, the initiated also know that national debt is more burdensome if emerges and denominated from the external borrowed capital component.

To my mind, taking a loan from a DOMESTIC financial intermediary constitutes domestic borrowing. This is the more manageable side of national debt, viz., the domestic component of borrowed capital.

THIRD, this strident opposition by the UWP appears to be based on a sinister POLITICAL desire to continue to undermine the formation of human capital in this economy.

Do all you can to KEEP MOST OF THE PEOPLE IGNORANT. They will continue to see any reason to vote differently in the future.

Our backward and deceiving so-called leaders are deeply invested and are indirectly funding the production and persistence of low information processors. Result? A mass of people who are just good enough to remain as cannon fodder and targets to the unscrupulous and unsavoury characters of the alternative economies. This makes it quite easy for such to gain easily elected.

There may be just hush-hush anecdotal evidence. However, there exists known but critical undocumented dependence of large swathes of the uneducated unemployed and unemployable population.

The logic of this sinister link is infallible.

I agree wholeheartedly: because there is no evidence produced, that does not necessarily mean that there is absolutely no evidence.

Chances are those still living who have the evidence do not wish to swell the statistics and join the ranks of those who have been executed at point blank range -- in public, or have been surfacing as corpses in various locations, they having been rubbed off.

To continue to ignore the enormity of this disgraceful national and POLITICAL calamity -- with a potential for a brain drain with the freedom of movement in the OECS -- does not make it go away.

Anonymous said...

Personally? (I chuckle.) Unlike some people, I'm able to discuss issues dispassionately - without being fanatical or blowing a gasket. Keep calm.

You only proved my point that CONTEXT colors CONTENT. People are able to twist even what you would describe as "pearls of wisdom" to justify missteps and misdeeds.

Quit opposing for opposing sake; and consider submitting your prolific diatribe for newspaper publication. It's pointless if the few of us who are here choose to ignore it.

Anonymous said...

I am no Karl Rove of the GOP or James Carville from the Dems. I find Micah George and the SLP hacks to be rather foolish in according the same man they have been trying to burry politically for years a platform to enhance his trade craft against the Kenny Anthony and his corrupt cabinet. You bunch of brainless SLP jackasses are about to elect Richard Fredrick as the next Prime Minister of St. Lucia. Keep up the good work Mr. Micah George!

Anonymous said...

Those SLP idiots despise the man’s success from hard work. They will continue to promulgate innuendoes in hopes of silencing an out-spoken citizen and derailing his political career.
The US government did not buy the SLP’s Drug Baron Fabrications so what is your next playbook against Richard? Let me guess, the next time Soufriere Sulphur Springs erupt The SLP, Micah George, and their propaganda machine will attempt to hoodwink the public into believing the eruption was cause because Richard Fredrick was operating a Meth factory in one of the volcano’s pools.
The more you bunch of double-dealing criminals try to make Richard Fredrick the whipping boy for your own incompetency and corruption racket, the more the public will embrace him as their hero.

Anonymous said...

Does it ever occur to some of our political yardfowls that some writers may be well established elsewhere in the world? Some natives living overseas may even find it a blessing that they were able to escape from the hell-hole that the country has become?

I know a Saint Lucian woman who when she discovered that she was pregnant travelled outside the region give her offspring and herself to live in another country. Unfortunately, not all of us are that lucky.

Anonymous said...

What is the percentage of the population that reads newspapers in the country?

Anonymous said...

What is the percentage of the population that reads newspapers in the country?

April 6, 2013 at 8:30 AM
Less than 25%. Let’s remember the literacy rate of St. Lucia is as low as 40% to compare with Barbados which is over 90%.

Anonymous said...

Even then, it would have greater "impressions" than this ostensibly hidden blog, no? Not everyone clicks the "discuss this" link. I think you may be off on that 40% literacy rate, though.

Anonymous said...

3 out of every five people do not read newspapers. They get their information from the likes of JOOK-BWA-BWA and story-telling TEAM-TEAM-BWA-SHARES?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
--- 3 out of every five people do not read newspapers. They get their information from the likes of JOOK-BWA-BWA and story-telling TEAM-TEAM-BWA-SHARES?

April 6, 2013 at 9:14 AM ----

With so many people so uninformed, it makes it so easy for the one-eyed men to be kings. How pathetic!

It is no wonder that Saint Lucians cannot be a major play NEITHER in Caricom nor in CSME.

Anonymous said...

Can you blame them? If essentially what is written has long been broadcast by radio and TV stations? The only value-added that our newspapers offer are classifieds and commentaries. See why investigative journalism is not only necessary but crucial to the survival of local newspapers?

Anonymous said...

But if few will read, how many are willing and able to buy? Perhaps, fewer. Investigative what?

Garcon, you want them to help you? DO YOU WANT MORE DEAD BODIES turning up in funny places than at the rate of what the LORDS OF THE UNDERGROUND ECONOMY is producing already?

Anonymous said...

Innuendo and propagandist threats only serve as distractions. Back to the business of the state.

Anonymous said...

The state is the underground. It figures!

Funny thing is that more than half of the people, 60% do not know one f--- about what is happening in the country at any one time.

Is it any great wonder that we gladly elect drug barons, and US ex-convicts to be our true representatives and government?

Anonymous said...

Doh worry. Let those suckers land even by mistake on US soil and see them wearing their shinny new bracelets and bling-bling.

Anonymous said...

I paid my way through school in the USA, and one year, a few years ago I applied for a job at then Morne Tech, the first question out of the interviewer's mouth was "Who is your family?" I replied that I was from the country and he would not know me. You see that problem in SLU will never go away. Where you are judged on your political affiliation or family name. When I left SLU a friend of mine applied for a loan to study in the USA, he was accepted in the school, had his visa but never got the money. Then four years later when it was time to start paying the loan his mom gets a letter about loan payments. The guy never left SLU. The powers that be gave the loan money to a "family named" person.

Anonymous said...

Usurpers, mal-administrators and nepotists too? The records speak volumes on both sides of the aisle. I hold no brief for any party so I speak without hindrance, fear or favor. My concern IS - and ALWAYS WILL BE - my country. Enablers of mal-administration and partisan politics who ignore consistently bad decisions are fiddling while Rome burns. Shame!

Anonymous said...

Because there is absolutely no pressure of demand to make INNOVATIVE changes to GROW the economy because the ordinary man in the street is just as clueless as those who purport to govern us, there is a focus only on doing what is minimally necessary to win the next elections.

Therefore, party political yardfowls get all the attention and the "grease". Aggrieved parties like those in the public service are placated. See why the King administration gave in to the demands the last time. And this happened without any thought being given to the economic ripple effect.

Then came the necessity of VAT curb the excesses. This we have seen has served to greater exacerbate the inflationary effect introduced by the past thoughtless politically-induced giveaway.

There is a price for political ignorance and economic stupidity. But who cares as long as there is the hope that if one's party is in power we will get the jobs of those who belong to the other party. As usual, the size of the economic pie remains fixed. The game of political musical chairs continues.

With no desire nor ability to change, what is most patently clear to those who know better is that under the current trends and circumstances, irrespective of who is PM, we know that the emperor has no clothes.

Anonymous said...

I do not know that anyone in the UWP has ever been charged and bailed for drug trafficking, but I do know that two in the SLP have in fact and in law been charged with and granted bail for rape. No one in the UWP has stolen an entire briefcase of money; Micah, you and your hacks will leave to see the vindication of Richard Frederick, and like those nasty Jews who crucified Jesus Christ, all of you who are engaged in the proliferation of propoganda will SUFFER more than your intended victim; its just a matter of time!

Anonymous said...

Shameless people! For all what you all of said about Frederick, you all are yet unable to bring him down. He keeps standing despite all these nasty, senseless propaganda. Does not that tell you people something? "No weapon formed against the man shall prosper!" Go Figure Micah and company!

Anonymous said...

If there is one thing Kenny has taught you SLP fools well, it is how to insult our own with the proliferation of propaganda. He has taught St. Lucians how to hate, and some of you have learnt the art of hatred very well. Just because a man is vociferously opposed to Kenny and the SLP, must we hate him so much? Must we be so ardent and reckless in our pronouncements so as to show the bone of our contention is jealousy? Kenny Anthony will lead this country straight to hell and I hope the fools who follow him blindly will roast with him!

Anonymous said...

Everytime Kenny Anthony is in power, the Island is full of tension. The tension is now at its highest! May God save us from Kenny, Tony and his band of good-for-nothings, who terrorise those brave enough to oppose them with the favourite weapon of communists, PROPAGANDA! Long Live Richard Frederick! God Bless Richard Frederick!

Anonymous said...

lucians open your eyes frederick is dammed right this is too much money for twenty three students studying inna america some of the money should aspend for the schools of saint lucia schools are in bad conditions in saint lucia

Anonymous said...

Anyone who criticizes just the fact that people are being educated is a blasted moron.

The hordes of ignoramuses living in ghettoes of New Village and in the Graveyard just hate people who want to improve themselves.

A loan guarantee is not a gift nor an outright payment. It is support to the lending bank, just in case the student fails to pay back the loan. Backward country-bookie jackasses!

Anonymous said...

Facilitating higher education is good initiative, as long as there are no loan defaults - and, we're able to capitalize on the anticipated returns (pun intended) on that investment. I guess we should also be grateful that this guarantee made it to parliament. But I digress ...

Anonymous said...

Notice how the Voice has taken this article from it's front page and burry it behind from readers. This only means Micah and his pals can't stand they are being exposed as liars and frauds.

Anonymous said...

It was slid down to make room for new stories moron.

Anonymous said...

We ought to develop a habit of thrashing out issues respectfully. There is no need for name-calling, cursing, hatred and slander. They only serve as distractions from the real issues. Do better.

Anonymous said...

I fully agree with the Blogger of April 06 at 8.18AM.

That is exactly what is happening now. Especially when the US Government realized that the lies about Frederick CANNOT now be exposed by this GOVERNMENT which claimed to the US EMBASSY that they had EVIDENCE. Not only can they not got it to hand over.

They themselves now in GOVERNMENT with the information they claimed to have cannot now prosecute Richard Frederick. What a shame and what a mess. Sad indeed. Lies never hold up.

Anonymous said...

Put that in your pipe and smoke it. Smoke it well.

The next time the Sulphur Springs erupt it is most likely to be caused by a drying up of the etang next to it.

The likes of the Duke of Bwuah-bwuah know nothing about geology. They can only happily shoot shate.

Anonymous said...

Only morons and social misfits would oppose education of the masses at the tertiary level. How the hell will be ever able to attract certain types of FDI if we do not have the absorptive capacity in education, jackass?

Anonymous said...

Yes. Tell us jackass, how will you do that? By having the constituents the Graveyard, New Village and Grass Streets sell more drugs?

Anonymous said...

You get pure crap from crappy politicians who know not one fart about development or economics. What does this ass-whole know about education? This can't do can't face?

Anonymous said...

What do scruffy dragged-ups know about education?

Anonymous said...

why 3 million for just 23 students?? this is absolute madness!! what the heck is going on???

Anonymous said...

I am all for supporting student education but the amount is staggering and a bit silly. It's our taxpayers money and so shouldn't we know who the defaulters are?
As i have been around for sometime I know it cant be done. This is the same problem which forced the first st. Lucia development bank into liquidation, students not paying back their loans and if you take a look you will see some very prominent people who never repaid their own loans. So its a cycle, that a few well connected instead of deserving, in terms of educational achievements get to study abroad and then the rest of us are seen as uneducated.