Thursday, April 24, 2014

Hot Couture Set For Second Strut

1 comment:

workinprogress said...

I was done with this show LAST YEAR when I heard about the rampant corruption and their entitled attitudes. From tales of e-mails disrespecting local designers to underpaid models, exorbitant consultant fees, unnecessary stages... Nope!!

I have ZERO time for this SAME band of alleged petty thieves whose sole intent is to exploit young and upcoming talent in an effort to secure fortunes for themselves.

Yet again we are faced with a lack of transparency from the organizers of this event. "Somewhere in the region of $XXX)", is the answer we are given and then promptly dismissed upon inquiring as to the cost of producing this show.

These individuals are allowed to run amok with no checks and balances and everyone turns a blind eye. I am glad that they were exposed last year as disrespectful ingrates plundering this fair land of ours.