Thursday, June 26, 2014

Dream Or Destiny?


Anonymous said...

I don't get this article at all

Son-of-man said...



As I read the article, I kept thinking, how would a people indoctrinated by a doctrine of white Supremacy, self hatred, mis-educated, having no knowledge of their Names, Language, Religion, and History comprehend the Vector of this article.

So reading to the end, “In 1492; Columbus sailed the Ocean blue...! and my fears were realized at 1:54.

This is a great article and look forward to the follow-ups.

Son-of-man said...


Most people are misled into parroting the line that Slavery took place “Hundreds of years ago”, but because of a mis-education designed to produced “trained” Negroes like a Peter Josie and a Carasco who felt that this slave name was not slave-master's identification enough, became known as John Wayne, I meant Rick Wayne, continue to ignore that people like Malcolm X, and Martin L. King were murdered just yesterday, and the God of the Negro is Still a Naked Caucasian who they love, eat his flesh, and drink his blood, while begging him to help them become WHITE like him.

Here's our Prime Minster Dr. Anthony – while I ask you Negroes, “do you think Allen Chastanet could ever fill the shoes of this P.M. ???


Son-of-man said...


Black Man:

Why would you encourage your wife to sing love-songs to another man? another Caucasian/white man?

You know with certainty, your Black self if not the object of this affection. in other words she is thinking of the Naked man with his picture on your wall - sounds like you're in a Ménage à Trois.


Anonymous said...

This article is the beginning of something good and I really like it.
Thank you, but unfortunately, you are addressing a readership who does not want facts. They only comprehend scandalous judgments and baseless opinions about people.