Saturday, August 30, 2014

Another Failed Escapade


Anonymous said...

The WRECK that's Kenny Anthony.

MR. "T" said...

@1: 46


JAN tell us the reason that Kenny not checking you out again?.

jan did allan promise your father/mother the governor general's job?
and you the slave master's job?

Anonymous said...

Mr T - do you disagree with the substance of the issues raised?

Anonymous said...

This joker who passes as a Minister of Tourism should be fired.
Then who does Kenny have as a replacement? then they dare criticize Allen Chastanet who did a wonderful job as a Min: of Tourism.
When he is back, that Industry will flourish again.
The people of Soufriere made a big mistake and they are suffering for it now. That is Soufriere for you, and nothing will change.
Is better days ahead?
en rouge to you.

Anonymous said...

Now what was that all about Jan?????

I dont get it........Come AGAIN.

And your point is????????

Anonymous said...

The idiots in the hierarchies of both main parties are not tired of presenting "damaged goods" as PM material. They too are not a little limited.

Once the horse-trading, empty promises and under-the-table deals are complete, these damaged goods then again make themselves minister of finance, totally oblivious and clueless about business management, about financial management, about international business, about mergers and acquisitions, about public finance and about taxation. The blokes do not know what they do not know that they need to know. The shayte therefore happily continues to snowball downhill, taking the entire country down with it. More better days are here again, idiots.

Anonymous said...

Boy you must be daft. The minister of finance is a resounding failure.

He went to the Caricom Heads of Government meeting and repeated his mantra that "We are all in this together".

To all intents and purposes they ignored him. No help came from that meeting with his self-created financial woes. He came back empty handed.

He converted the Minister of Tourism into a Compton-like broomstick, just as the Minister of Health was recently. This last excursion into the cruise ship returned zilch. Again he returned empty handed.

Not an enviable pattern this. He has made several excursions into the investment world and there he continues to fail big time.

Rochemel $45 million lost, with nothing to show for it. Black Bay lands, were given to investors and is lost. We have to pay to get it back. Just like that $86 million got evaporated into thin air. Note that there was no return on invest in both these cases.

Grynberg is potentially going to cost us another $500 million. There is no return on that secret investment, but we have incurred a charge of $500 million plus legal costs.

For a third grand investment, there is no return on the investment. All the nearly $650 million has been poured down a financial black hole of financial waste.

Investors always do their due diligence. When done properly, it is hardly conceivable that an investor would have a track recording of wasting and losing money at double the rate of the last bone-headed investment exercise, three times in a row.

Thus, Saint Lucia has given new meaning to the financial term ROI. It no longer stands for return on investment, but return on ignorance.

Anonymous said...

Kenny Anthony is incompetent and never created/produced anything in his life. From CARICOM to UWI to SLUGOV he has mooched off of taxpayers money.

Anonymous said...

Therefore he has no concept or grasp of business so he has negotiated with savvy businessmen and lost tens of millions of taxpayers dollars. Also with no concept of the value of money which he thinks cones from a bottomless pit he runs up billions in debt and bankrupts St Lucia.
Yet he is ruthless and uncaring as he cannot recognize his incompetence and has no difficulty in VATTING his people to cover his stupidity while ensuring millions for his party hacks.

Anonymous said...

This new ROI, return-on-ignorance Minister of Finance is what the goats in the SLP have installed and have continued to BURDEN this country with, from the time Gorge Hoodlum use to have followers throw excreta at his political opponents.

That is one very shitty party. And the pattern continues.

Today, the ENTIRE country is wallowing in deep doo-doo, because complete shipload of idiots and morons with party tickets continue vote and retain INCOMPENTENCE as their guiding virtue.

A greenhorn was elevated to sainthood by Holy Saint George Hoodlum with no track record in any meaningful contribution to the welfare of the society. Even the hallowed constitution was amended to accommodate this real crappy decision.

No mature society in the world would have done that. No intelligent society would have REWARDED INEXPERIENCE and hold that up as shared cultural value. No other country in the OECS or CARICOM has seen it fit to do this inanity. Only in Saint Lucia.

A financial decision-maker loses $45 million with nothing to show for it. The SLP idiots keep that person as its leader.

The same person goes on again to lose tangible assets and our patrimony worth $86 million with nothing to show for it. The dummies in the SLP again voted again to retain that person as leader and as Minister of Finance.

Then that person, this time, THREE GOD-DAMN TIMES IN A ROW, has caused this country to lose now potentially $500 million plus.


And the SLP still has that person as its chief decision maker, PM, and who decides who becomes the Minister of Finance?

Good Lord! Is there, as the good God would say, just ONE, just one freaking sane person within the confounded SLP with the courage to say that enough is enough!

The economy AND SOCIAL CLIMATE ARE on the skids! The rest of us, we are paying a HUGE PRICE FOR SLP'S borrowing to pay SLP's yardfowls with those wealth transfers to pay for their food.

The rest of us, we are paying to enable the SLP to pay for the votes from its yardfowl followers in advance, to win the next elections.

This is not sustainable. Any improvements in tourism performance the monies from that have to go right back there to continue to pay for this crap!

How many months of reserves or foreign exchange are really there to pay for this country's basic necessary imports?

Good Lord! When will this maddening financial incompetence and foolishness come to a stop?

Anonymous said...

The PM and Minister of Finance have both outlived their usefulness. They are seriously experiencing and producing diminishing returns to scale.

This prime minister and minister of finance is not an asset to Saint Lucia.

Every investment, and every trip shows that he is most definitely and a very dangerous liability for Saint Lucia.

It long past the time for him to find an alternative line of work.

The country is overburdened by stupidity and idiocy.

As would it be for a tired and worn-out donkey long past its prime, it is time place on it less demanding duties.

It is time to put it to pasture.

Anonymous said...


MR. "T" said...

@ 3:16

There is absolutely no substance or issues in jan's political propaganda. this jan is the U W P'S programmed-rat to spread the Allan's U W PPPP leptospirosis.

Anonymous said...

And the music plays on . . .

Anonymous said...

"Good Lord! When will this maddening financial incompetence and foolishness come to a stop?"

When Lucians stop talking, get off the butts and literally throw these assholes out. Compton never treated us like this and there was no hesitation to throw him out in 79. Now, after all this betrayal from this power-hungry incompetent malady, why is he still there?

Anonymous said...

The handpicked jackasses that made up the Constitutional Review Commission did not even entertain the power of recall.

Any unbiased student of Constitutional Law would tell you that in effect, what those dummies did was to transfer MORE POWER FROM THE PEOPLE TO THE EXECUTIVE.

Given all the coercive powers of the state and the use of technology to reduce the privacy of individuals by intrusion in monitoring your mail etc, these learned (supposedly) morons RECOMMENDED THAT GOVERNMENT BE GIVEN MORE POWER at the expense of the individual.

Do any of those idiots on that panel can rightfully claim that they have any notion of the Western concept of democracy?

The North Korean Dear Leader and Fidel Castro, or is it his god-son, could well have written those hostile recommendations.

All how you twist and turn, our ignoramuses, our admired morons, naffins and those idiots in our high places, are a threat to our sustainability. They are placing this country in jeopardy, with great hostility towards the well-being and sustainability of our future generations.

Anonymous said...

Don't kill the messenger.

Deal with the facts -- the monumental, ever-escalating and embarrassing SLP failure peacocking as Minister of Finance.

When and where is the next blunder? More ROI -- more return on ignorance?

The circus continues?

Anonymous said...

Propaganda at its highest

Anonymous said...

Kenny is the chief cretin. The Maximum Imbecile.

Anonymous said...

Jackass party members, morons, lackeys and yard fowls give you jackass government.
The majority jackass card-carrying members of both political parties have never seen a khaki-coloured moron especially, that they did not like as Finance Minister and Prime Minister combined.

Anonymous said...

Extraordinary that a well written article in this same paper tells how Saint Lucians are personal in their criticism and should change their behaviour; here we have the same thing again. The worrying thing is you just can't see it or help yourselves, what a sad state of affairs.

Anonymous said...

Can you separate an actor, a person from his/her belief system(s) and therefore, his or her patterned and repeated behaviour(s)? Isn't that their personality(ies) regarding our severally schizoid personalities on display in government today?

Barring explicit connections with that person's personal choice(s) and need for privacy, as long as you are in public life, your decisions and decision-making processes and outcomes, are what makes you -- the person you are. You cannot, if you know just anything about psychology, put any daylight between those issues.

Therefore, the comment at 3:33 AM to all intents and purposes qualifies as solemn nonsense!

Such sanctimonious blathering ENDORSES the retention of the status quo and the plantation MASTER-SLAVE mentality. Massa knows best what is good for his chattel-minded slaves.

Even today, that historical psychological dependence, where Saint Lucian slaves opted to protect French slavers from British slavers is a case in point. We see and hear it in the several janniform comments here.

Saint Lucians cannot think independently and always need a "master" or dictator to tell what to do. They vote in a new master with his political broomsticks in tow. All is well.

We vote for a single master who puts veritable broomsticks on the ballot papers. The thinking there is "Chastenet is best for Saint Lucia". Vote for Chastenet and all his broomsticks. All is going to be well.

Or, "Kenny is best for Saint Lucia." Vote for Kenny and all his broomsticks.

Or, "Compton is best for Saint Lucia". Therefore, vote for Compton and all his broomsticks.

In all honesty, that kind of thinking and ALL THREE (3) of them have been unmitigated disasters for Saint Lucia. The removal of preferential tariffs on bananas exposed the farce.

Compton, DID NOT HAVE THE SMARTS to handle a post-colonial WTO removal of a protected status of the banana market. When the bottom fell out, he quickly shoved his failure to adjust, into the lap of Dr. V. Lewis. Dr. Lewis got the short end of the stick.

A focus on maintaining the plantation apparatus, rather than securing St. Lucia's future, Compton canvassed on the very misleading revival of the dead banana harvesting industry. With not-too-smart and many short-sighted Saint Lucians, he won.

Too old, too set in his ways and devoid of any new ideas or economic initiatives, the broomsticks, yardfowls and especially the UWP's goons took over. He passed. The downward spiral accelerated.

Saint Lucians sent in another Massa holdover in to bat.

Enter Kenny. Act 1, Scene 1: Saint Lucians saw an immediate ministerial salary increase with generous pensions -- even before a stroke of work was done. The general population did not, in creole, say even -- "fuenk". Snoring chickens make much more noise.

In other words, might is right. We have the votes; we will tax and spend.

After all, Massa has, as in the old days, the force of arms, tear gas, and today's high-powered rifles, plus the a colonial system of jurisprudence that first of all, guards the status quo, instead of meting out justice even handedly.

The tin-pot self-serving dictatorships created by the above is the hell hole that has been created since, and is what that is bursting our collective behinds in society today.

Those currently benefiting from the status quo, or those on the outside hoping to benefit in the future by DISPLACING INCUMBENTS -- in our pathetic system of musical chairs are quite dishonest enough to proffer self-serving apologetics as contrary "reasonable" responses.

Whilst the grass is growing, the horse is starving.

Unless and until, Saint Lucians break from this farce that passes for national government, with a solid period of coalition government, with some FOUR INDEPENDENT CANDIDATES ELECTED, the "damaged goods" in both parties will return IN FULL FORCE, and this game of "pigs-to-the-trough" musical chairs, and the attending political circus will continue.

Anonymous said...

Great stuff above. Good analysis.

Anonymous said...

@ 9:35 AM.

My sentiments exactly. Your analysis is right on and should be saved and reprinted every now and then.

Do the moomoos and country bookies out there understand what you're talking about, unless some like minded folks go out there and explain things to them on their level?



Anonymous said...

Neither Peter Josie or Juk Bois or Flogg Blogg or Tori Faisal or Silencer or Jan Rapier or any of the above have offered any solutions to St Lucia' downward spiral. They for the most part are simply roro and maypuis peddlers looking for their 15 secs of fame or singing for their supper. They tackle some symptoms sympathetic to their cause and ignore others. They certainly do not deal with the disease.
We know that the majority of the political players on St Lucia' s stage are CROOKS. Whether they blatantly steal with funds provided by foreign allies or have mastered the art of legislative theft and theft utilizing the pourous bureaucratic system whereby their allies get contracts and kickbacks are provided to the chief actors the fact is they are almost all incompetent failed thieves.

Not one player in the SLP or UWP or LPM or ONE or The Green Party have offered solutions to our problems.

We are a failed state with a failed liberal/socialist ideology with moochers and opportunists ruling the roost. And that goes for ALL parties as not one has identified policies that can change the paradigme.
Kenny Anthony and his SLP minions have been utter failures from 1997 and continue the charade while many of them become millionaires and use taxpayers money to buy votes.. The UWP from 2098 to 2011 were for the most part a bunch of labourers acting as managers and also filling their pockets whenever they could.
Almost every post or article on politics consists of one or the other of these charletans for the past 17 years.

We will continue to fail as we head to the jungle with these primitive fools.

Anonymous said...

4:45 AM - some of what you say is true, but you then contribute nothing by way of a solution. Try again.

Anonymous said...

One reality that St Lucians so not discuss is the FACT that corruption creates unemployment and dampens growth. There are reams of research to this fact.

So when SLP or UWP Ministers and their family and supporters rape the Treasury or civil servants work the system or party faithful contractors pad contracts then feed back 15% to politicians this destroys the country.
Unfortunately 50% of the country is corrupt and the other 50% are just waiting for their turn!

Anonymous said...

After spending 1 week back home I am shocked at how hard and worn our people are looking. Rough and hard as if they are just hanging on to survival.
Then you read of the corruption and mismanagement under this government.

Anonymous said...

@ 10:36 AM.

Just hang in there.
The man said - GOOD DAYS AHEAD.
en rouge.

Anonymous said...

LPM has NEVER EVER held -- not even ONE SINGLE SEAT in government -- far less even in power.

So painting LPM with the same broad brush that you have used, to aptly describe the UWP/SLP charlatans, white-collar thieves, goons, EX-CONs with jumpsuits from the US penitentiary, slime-balls, dirt-bags, scumbags, reprobates and LIARS BEFORE THE HIGH COURTS, is TOTALLY UNFAIR.

Your thinking is just as equally warped and corrupt as those you accuse.

You are just as part of the darn problem too, instead of being any part of any useful solution. Just another one of our several shayte shooters.

If you care to investigate, you will discover that THE ONLY MODERN POLITICAL GROUP WITH A VERY WIDE RANGE OF SOLUTIONS: (a) youth development and education policy with development education, (b) public finance and taxation, (c) NATIONAL energy policy and alternative energy development, (d) national security and home-affairs (crime), AND (e) economic development, national infrastructural development.

This is on record, for anyone with any interest in a more secure and prosperous Saint Lucia, on the various websites of the LPM.

LPM has NEVER been given even one seat to even think of realistically executing any of their mainly cutting-edge approaches -- far less the openly dishonest and non-productive ones, that have been characteristically, part and parcel of ALL past and current party and administrative mischief and/or corruption to date.

Get your damn facts straight before you shoot all your shayte. Have a clear head. Don't drink and then write misleading shayte.

Anonymous said...

The SLP's outlaw and grinning political bandits have done it again.

This time this outlaw government is trying to skirt the constitutional right of freedom of assembly and organize for collective bargaining purposes, by the workers in the Fire Service.

What the hell is this frigging government going to attack next?

Do you see the Machiavellian dictatorship and the Communist modus operandi of Fidel Castro's satellite government in Saint Lucia at work?

The communist screw and the national screw-up has gone yet another round.

Will the en rougenistas be coming around beating those opposed to this communist take-over at their homes and in the streets next?

Or, will people be forced to flee the island in droves next as refugees, just like thousands of Guyanese had to do, to other parts of the world and especially to other Caribbean countries?

Have the Guyanese jumped from the frying pan into the fire?

Is it "Winter of discontent" of "Better days"?