Saturday, August 30, 2014

Disagreeing Without Being Disagreeable


Anonymous said...

Wearing a sanctimonious dog- collar this time, Holy Reverend Sister? Just an observation. No hostility is intended.

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately we are back in the Age of Extreme.

Just look around you. Tolerance was part of the Age of Democratisation. That age is over. The abuse of technology and the concentration of finance in the hands of a few have destroyed the democratic consensus. Tolerance is only viable as a concept if it leads to tangible progress. But where tolerance allows for a few to plunder survival becomes dependence on intolerance.
For tolerance to return we must democratise not only our politics but also our economics and finance.
In an Age of Extremes, intolerance becomes the accepted norm.

Anonymous said...

A well written and informative article, the attitudes of the majority beggar belief in this day and age. If I don't agree with someone, I will state my case without attacking them on a personal level, if no resolution can be found then avoid the subject, we all have differing experiences which can shape our views. I find the insulting attitude towards women appalling, the insults wouldn't be permitted elsewhere in the world so why are Saint Lucians allowed to get away with it? The quote by Churchill was fitting.

Anonymous said...

Constitutionalists and constitutional lawyers in the Caribbean region, if you ask the likes of the Dr. Ralph Gonzalves, Dr. Neville Duncan, and Dr. Pat Emanuel (deceased) will tell you quite frankly, that Caribbean governments do not operate in democracies. These three have all lectured in politics at campuses of UWI.

They will tell you honestly, that English-speaking Caribbean people all operate under the "dictatorship of the Prime Minister". Put that in your pipe and smoke it.

Therefore, from now on, you are free to continue to delude yourself that you see anywhere, something called a democracy.

We don't have one. Today, we are much closer operationally to "The Dear Leader" of North Korea than ever before.

And Kenny knows full well, all of that. He keeps on fooling you all. You all keep begging for more. For more and more. Just give you jackasses more. More of his "better days".

Confused morons!

Anonymous said...

After this blasted country has gone through, and is still going through so much shit, everyday, the general population must still mollycoddle jackass ministers expressing themselves as if walking on eggs?

You must be out of your flipping cane-cutting or banana plant pruning mind. Massa day done!

You see shit happening? Call it by what it really is.

If it walks like shit, and talks like shit. It is not soft malleable gold. Hold you nose. It is shit.

How have the right to say that 'the emperor has no clothes' on.

The British slave traders have gone. Only their surrogates remain where we still have to buy their fertilizers if we are to grow anything on the plantation remnants. That is privilege and legacy of Her Majesty's and colonial conquering heroes. God save the Queen.

You retards have no blasted understanding. To grovel to the defenders and opportunistic exploiters of the status quo comes so damn naturally.

Anonymous said...

That one sorely misses the the plantation Great House. She dresses in a white cap and a white apron too?