Monday, January 23, 2012

Should old acquaintance be forgot?



Anonymous said...

i like this story because it exposes the hypocrisy found in churches both on the part of the people and one the part or religious leaders. i am not exartly in aggrement with the writer but i am glad that he observes thes things. In my personal opinion i think the that hypocrisy demonstrated by the people are a result of relegous leaders who say one thing and do another or give out a questionable impression of what god is truly like and I find that alot of persons give up on church/ religion and stop comming because of this. I dont think that people should stop searching for god on account of other people because at the end of the day every one have an accounting to give for themselves and you can't put the blame on anyone for your actions. other people think that being a christian is to hard for them and they say " thats not for me". however god does what us to get to know him and we can. he would not ask us to get to know if he knew it was not possible. Also people shy away because they know that to belong to any group they must meet the standards set by that group and they are not ready to make the necessary changes in their life even if they may know it is the right thing to do and is the best thing for them. I believe people come to mass at that time because they feel obligated to come, like they owe it to god and also they realize that they need to satisfy their spiritual need so they come. i think it also have to do with the new year and the resolutions that people make but they dont always live to their promises. That is what i think and i also believe that relegious leaders right now, they focus on numbers and money and not the quality of their teachings or what is saposed to be truth from the bible. I also think that people should examine what the bible has to say for themselves and not just what people tell them. it is not right to do just what you want and u thing is right. eg if someone went to run a race even if that persons runs the fastest and reaches the finish line before everyone else they are not consider a winner unless they play by th rules. For instance if they dont stay in their lane they will not win the race because they musy play by the rules of the game. It is the same way with the way we worship god. He has standards and we have to live by them. we cant worship him any how. we have to play by the rules. Even if we are zealous about our worship, it will all be in vain like a runner who does not stay in his lane. That is my view.

Anonymous said...

Shouldn't that have read "should old acquantances be forgotten"?