Friday, May 16, 2014



Anonymous said...

The Government MUST start with a CESSATION of SALARIES AND ALLOWANCES to Parliamentarians for at least one year.

Or; a 50% reduction in salaries and allowances to Parliamentarians.

If they do not agree; dissolve the Government; by island-wide protest; and install an INTERIM GOVERNMENT as was done in 1981 and call fresh elections.

Anonymous said...

This government cannot even manage the chaos it has unleashed on industrial relations in Saint Lucia. The hint at wage repression and unilateral reduction for the same amount of work is a red flag. This gives new meaning to SLP's "en rouge". Mr. Anthony's stint as head of the Teacher's Group at Training College apparently does not appear to have transferred any knowledge or engender any skills, just a rung on his ladder to political office. Even Mr. HoODLUM was fooled.

Granted that the Arithmetic is correct, the decision to be made here and against the avalanche of distrust of an administration which from its roots, ought to be labour sensitive, that decision should be very clear. Because the issues that surround the current pay structure for the CSA, which in many ways should be tied to that of their employer as a control mechanism, government members in this administration by moral example should be broadcasting their own pay cut to convince anyone of their seriousness. But no. His Arrogance the Minister of Finance can see no such benefit.

It follows then, that the egregious financial blunders of Rochamel, Black Bay, Grynberg, and the grave extravagant excesses like NCA that have now come back to haunt us, are biting our tails. Yet, it is the workers and NOT the failed decision makers that are being called to make all the sacrifices.

So for the government, after this it will be business as usual. They do their foolishness and the people are being immolated on their hurriedly-built sacrificial alter to the IMF. You call this fair? Really?

MR. "T" said...

Kenny Fire their azzzzzzz.

do what must b don!

Fire their azzzzzzzz.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous of May 17, 2014 at 11:59 AM, how you know the Black Bay liability is the result of the blunder of the current administration? Now be careful to make your point fully and convincingly or make no point at all.

Anonymous said...

It is very convenient for
May17, 2014 at 11:59am of which I consider to be pure crap, puting blame where he or she feels.We must understand the situation around us in the Caribbean.Just check whats is happening in Barbados and we will understand the prime ministers point of view. I do think that the best thing is to dialouge with the unions to find the best way out of our situation.

Anonymous said...

If there is one thing, I have learnt bout my people; they will follow if de leaders set the example.

Anonymous said...

Kenny should take the current state of affairs in the country and his proposed solutions to the people in a general elections. If the people believe you, and have confidence in your ability to address what you say the problems are, then they will decide that. Show us how brave and honest you truly are; get a referendum

Anonymous said...

The problem with 98% of Saint Lucians is that beyond the froth and blather of this and past ministers of finance, there is not much substance to the discussions emerging regarding serious, meaningful, and efficacious policy prescriptions to effectively address our economic woes. Invariably, talk is mired in the tribal politics of sharing the existing political pie among big and small political yardfowls. The required matured nationalism and fairness are most definitely absent. On both sides of the aisle, the political actors are just groping, or picking the lowest hanging fruit such as trying to cut wages and salaries to balance the budget. The real structural problems are left undisturbed year, after year, after year. And the debt snowballs.

If left unpaid, our debt and national liquidity problems just grow. Insulated from their ignorance with fat pensions and salaries, our political buffoons are enjoying themselves.

More than a smattering of knowledge about economics is warranted. Since the Joe Blowhards we continuously and stupidly elect to blather in and outside of parliament, know no better, worse will continue. We have a problem with the calibre of people in and even those chafing at the bits to enter. They have not much more to offer than to rally their followers to vote them in, come next elections. Meanwhile, the spoils go to the winners, legitimately and illegally through the pockets of those sent to the parliament.

To wit, we had an entire cabinet robbing the Consolidated Funds through a cabinet paper. Yet, we have a promoter of this illegality being paraded and promoted to a leadership position. Yet another fox is already being groomed to guard the henhouse. The die is already cast for future rounds of borbol. "We like it so!"

Anonymous said...

Some of us are blinded by politics and do not see the bigger picture.We seem to think that the other party can do better,and everything will be alright. That is the only solutions to our problems. Some of us just do not get it.

Anonymous said...

Stephenson king after all wasn't too bad a prime minister. To Kenny king was nobody, yet he did a much better job. With all the accusations of corruption in the past government, the country was doing a whole lot better. Now one must ask what is Kenny doing wrong? First of all we the people of st Lucia are responsible for allowing Kenny to get into all these shady deals and now the tax payers have to pay for them. Secondly we allowed Kenny to silence the media with lawsuit freights so the voices of the people won't be heard, so with all this done he crowned himself KING. I don't think st Lucia can continue with this guy as prime minister the time has come for us to replaced his.

Anonymous said...

The crime minister is a thinking person therefore he will do some serious thinking and carefully before he attempts to actually reduce civil servants' salaries by 5%. Will it be Kenny or Tony that will prevail in this issue.

Anonymous said...

Kenny makes King look like a Hero.

Anonymous said...

St.Lucians by and large are DUMB. But then again I must admit those who are said to be educated; are nowhere around to educate those who do not know better.

After all this country has been through; the average St. Lucian still does not conduct any form of analysis; pros and cons on any issue; to arrive at the best scenario for the country.

The FACT is the millions of dollars which Commissions of INQUIRY identified as mismanagement of the finances of this country; has played a significant part of our problem. The millions wasted regarding ROCHAMEL; FRENWEL; HELENITES, AND NCA, AND LEGAL FEES SO FAR FOR EXPENSIVE LWAYERS FOR THE GRENBERG MAATTER has takenn a great toll on the country's finances.

Further; the significant number of top civil servants and consultants brought into the service since KENNY ANTHONY came into Government.

Challenge Kenny to produce the financial data on these at a press conference. Then again those persons passing as journalists are a complete waste when it comes to asking the right questions of Government Officials.

Anonymous said...

St. Lucians easily get fooled by degrees, masters or doctorates; irrespective of the subjects the hold.

Imagine a guy like JAMES FLETCHER with a doctorate in agronmy; an agriculturist by nature; POSING as ADVISOR to the PRIME MINISTER of the country; on matters of FINANCE; personnel and all other areas of expertise.

Then what do you folks expect? CRAP. Right?


He did a much better job at running the country than KENNY.

And that is a fact. I would much rather vote for KING anyday than Kenny. And I am no UWP nor Labour.

Anonymous said...

The world today is just too complex for any PM to know everything. That said s/he must have the capacity to process everything under the sun. At some point in time most things will eventually have to cross hers or his desk. But in the end, it is the calibre of advisors or trusted advisors in balanced complementary teams that really make the substantive difference. Take Dr. Dwight Venner and D'Auvergne in the case of John Compton.
We must still be aware that in today's world, governance tools like budgets are effective only to the extent of the quality of the inputs and in the final analysis, on the ability of the execution of details. The rest is pure recitation, drama and theatrics, from the Throne Speech to the Replies and rebuttals. You would be ignorant, if not actually stupid to realistically perceive it any differently.

Anonymous said...

Tell this anti-labour government, labour in name only, not to try any foolishness. Labour can get them to seek another and fresh mandate in no time, if the unions call a nationwide crippling strike where it hurts most. Remind this loudmouth government who collects its revenue. Tell SLP not to touch members' salaries. The unions can hold government by the scruff of the neck.

Anonymous said...

I want to see Kenny's back before it is to late. St Lucians watch your BREAD

Anonymous said...


Ever wonder what has happened some of the persons on the SLP 2011 Campaign Dream Team? Remember them, they came in all shapes, sizes and disguises (as Talk Show Hosts, Talk Show Guests, Talk Show Callers, Campaign Managers, Foot Soldiers, Water Boys and yes, even as Concerned Citizens)? Incidentally their paybacks – ALL AT STATE’s EXPENSE – have also taken on various shapes, sizes and disguises.

1.Jadia Jn Pierre
2.Urban Dolor
3. Teddy Francis
4. Claudius Francis
5. Tom Walcott (let him tell us where his daughter and niece are)
6. Leon Clarke & Wife
7. Mrs. Finisterre
8. Kentry Jn Pierre
9. Christopher Hunte
10. Menissa Rambally
11. Mr. Julian Dubois
12. Shazi Charlot
13. Tricky Fontenille
14. Michael Willius
15. Earnest Hillaire
16. Albert Fregis
17. Sylvester Clauzel
18. Kirby Allen
19. Perry Thomas
20. Mary Skelly
21. Silas Wilson
22. Walter Francois
23. Petrus Compton
24. Earl Bousquet

Etc, etc

Anonymous said...

There is a cloud of hopelessness overshadowing EVERYTHING in fair Helen. I can't recall the last time our people have been so down.

Kenny is a blight on this land; every time this man is in office, the country walks with its head bent.

Anonymous said...

These are the personnel beneficiaries. But the list is much longer. They stopped dreaming after they got their embassy higher education/holiday jobs and square pegs in wrong holes positions. We are doomed. Some even boasted, and without any shame, why they were on air doing what they were doing back then.