Saturday, May 17, 2014

We Cannot Afford This Largesse


Anonymous said...

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you; well said. Unconscionable, self serving bastards, that's what they are.

Anonymous said...

And there I was thinking that at least, if nothing else, Ernest Hilaire had a heart. Boy was I wrong. He is nothing more than an opportunist who would use anything and anyone to get where he want to go.

Anonymous said...

I would like someone to share some light on the figures quoted by the Min of Foreign Affairs during his budget presentation, that out of 52 positions in the foreign missions only 27 are filled.

Anonymous said...

We St. Lucians need to know from the Prime Minister; the following:

1. What projects and/or investors has the New-York Mission; the Canadian High Commission's Office and the UK Mission brought to St. Lucia?

2. From any projects or investors named; state the number of NEW JOBS created.

3. Total amount of investment capital related to these projects where they exist?

4. The total number of staff at each of these Missions?

5. Total emoluments and allowances paid to each employee.

6. Cost of Rental Homes where applicable for staff at Missions.

7. Identify allowances for entertainment; telephone calls; transportation and any critical other allowances.

Anonymous said...

Ernest Hilaire is a "flamer" pretending to know what he don't know.

That was clearly seen by all; if his fiasco of the infamous cricket world cup MESS in St. Lucia he was supposed to have managed.

Great losses. Rooms never filled. A disaster. He is just a BOASTER. Those of us who worked with him; saw that close-up.

A bloody waste of time; if you ask me.

Anonymous said...

I would like for some information about the impact of CWC 07 on the St. Lucian economy.

Can he describe some of the investment that the mission has created and what would have been lost if there was more of a virtual presence at these missions.

Anonymous said...

Jobs for the boys and education-holiday outposts for party yardfowls. Sorry! Sorry! Sorry!

I am really sorry. I meant to say Saint Lucian Embassies and Consulates.

Anonymous said...

I dont believe that the suggestions i read came from Ernest.Totally rediculous