Saturday, May 10, 2014

You Must Engage, Ms. Isaac


Anonymous said...

Concerned Civil servant, were you there when Ms. Isaac was repeatedly disrespected by this very same Government? How much more disrespectful can a Government be than to decide on the fate of civil servants, however justified, before it discusses its intentions with the main trade union representing the CSA? Miss Isaac you damn right.

Anonymous said...

you not begging the question?

CCS wrote a perfectly balanced letter. The word disrespect used as cause for inaction - is typically associated with immature social-emotional posture.

She may hold her breath and disengage but "the crying game' has been out out of the closet like Victor Victoria's secret.

Like the CCS writer asserted, better to get in the middle of the ring-duke it out- take the hits and bruises- but leave a record of your attempts at representing the interests of your union-with diplomatic finesse.

Here are some recommended biographies

Mexican farm workers union leader -Chavez
Educator unionist= A. Shanker
The union leaders of United Airlines

Anonymous said...

A house nigger singing for his super. That sounds more like it. If this so-called government is so enlightened as to present a fait accompli to supine, laissez faire unions leaders, so called, to endorse without prior consultation, with perhaps the coercive arm of the state by way of legislation, what is there to talk about? Idiocy abounds!

That's not leadership. What is before your eyes is called force. Just like in the old days of the Mabouya Plantation, Massa is calling the shots. It is modern day slavery. And we already know that Massa is the son of Massa.

SOS! Different generation. Go to hell with your crap! It is time for a crippling strike!

Anonymous said...

She Damn Right. Kenny does not even have self respect, it is Mary Isaac and Public Servants who must respect him.

Anonymous said...

Kennynomics in you'll backsides. En rouge

Anonymous said...

Kenny Trickonomics. En rouge painting all you backsides. You all are in Little Havana and did not know it. En rouge! For your stupidity, such like him will make you all bleed, en rouge!

Anonymous said...

Dear writer,you are the one who should educate yourself.In this case your re-education has to do with the destruction of the people of St.lucia by Kenny's policies,lies, disrespect to the people,un-democratic behavior and of course the destruction of St.lucia's economy.
Anyway wise civil servant,give your opinion of Kenny Anthony's leadership.
Also,tell us whether the quality of life in St.lucia has got better or worse since December 2011?

Anonymous said...

Civil service is like military servive without bullets; The perks typically outweigh the pay- A tremendous advantage over private sector.

Strike as in all out war is an extreme SIC "unction"(vain attempt at satire"- cheers death.

The leader may be force to auction many of the general services to private contractors

They did it in the worlds most advanced army

THe people will always fav0or compromise and sympahize with a leadership that maintains or improves services even if by private contract-After all its their TAX dollars paying for it-

WE Da people at the end of the day only care that service delivery systems are on tap

So angst fueled "new generation" responder, the selling of civil service jobs to private contractors (who are not obliged to have unions) IS A NEW GENERATION MODEL that IS currently muting old fashioned unionism-
go figga.

Thats why the old gal CSA must tango and rap- in her case silence is bronze not gold

Worst case scenario- CARICOM! Private contractors could bid from anywhere in Caricom. THe lowest bid wins all.

Anonymous said...

Anyone who has worked with KENNY ANTHONY; would know that Mary Issac's position is exactly the treatment that Kenny Anthony deserves and understands; and respects.

That is to say; be as crude and crass as he is.

Anonymous said...

THE PRIVATE SECTOR is worst than the Public Service when it comes to incompetence and inefficiency.

Just look at the state of the business and financial sector establishments.

Anonymous said...

Except for the hospitality sector, the private sector is largely a set of glorified commissioned agents. Under Mallet and much of today, they lack any kind of vision. Their contribution to employment is to pay slave wages and beg for corporate welfare concessions from whichever government that is in power. Saint Lucia they say is idiot country.

Anonymous said...

"Diplomatic Finesse"? MY BLACK ASS!

Go to HELL; you stupid rascal. Singing for your SLP Supper?

We will SHUT this country down; until fresh elections are called.

Put that in your pipes and smoke it!

Anonymous said...

This so-called "former civil servant" ought to be ashamed of itself.

For one thing the whole of St. Lucia knows that EGO and BRAVADO best DEPICTS Kenny Anthony.

Far from resembling Mary Isaacs. So get-off with this crap.

Expediency? That is one of Kenny Anthony's middle names. In fact; this is what has brought St. Lucia down the drain; all because of expediency. Dancing with the wolves in Latin America and Cuba; and expecting the USA and its Allies to funnel St. Lucia with its tax-payers' finances. No way Hosea.

You refer to Mary Isaac's personal characteristics. What's that got to do with the lady's competencies and the TRUST placed in her by an overwhelming number of public servants.

It is RATS like you "former civil servant" who has assisted politicians who are "trash" to bring St. Lucia to the gutters; and the majority of Lucians are "catching hell".

You sound exactly like one former civil servant; now a member of the "Quack" VISION COMMITTE; or someone associated with him.

Remember St. Lucians today are very enlightened. This Government WILL NOT RETURN TO POWER in St. Lucia; and that is a FACT. And you can take that to the bank.

Investors are not coming with this government in power. That is why the government is now wooing RUSSIANS; when the rest of the world is "staying far away from them".

You are seen for exactly who and what you are with the crap you have written. A party hack and apolitical yard-fowl.

Anonymous said...

"Captain there's a traitor on board! Examine the horns!" For someone claiming labour roots at the teachers' college, this SLP so-called leader, does seem to be overplaying his hands. Even back then was he genuinely interested in labour, or was all that just an abuse of trust that provided a veritable stepping stone to political office? Was even bat-eyed hoODLUM hoodwinked?

Anonymous said...

Ok your vehemence is felt (minus the B*ack a** kiss of course).

My rhetoric is middle of the road in this matter. Your threat o shut down the country is exactly the king of stupor and lethargy I am wary of.

The only losers are the common folks and ..a back pedal on the fix wheel cycle called the economy.

At this point there are no gears or traction on this Raleigh bicycle that is the StLucia economy.

My point is you gain legitimacy by pleading your grief. Its s as if the CSA is in a state of shock & awe...or playing possum or victimized underdog .

All these roles are ill suited to its traditional posture as a bastion of dedicated efficiency professionals. Get out and disseminate your message. By so doing you are creating a platform from which you can galvanize legitimate alternate political considerations.

Quiet implies stealth and preemptive battle lines- the very strategy of the Marginot lines of fortifications- which were BYPASSED by mechanized forces.

The lady doth need to Speak up.... we peace-mongers are listening....

Anonymous said...

If I were in her place, garcon you would have to wait until Hell freezes over. The PM does makes up his mind and then comes to Labour expecting Labour to have its tail between its legs and says 'Yes Massa'?. What is worse, this insult is coming from the offspring of a former Massa.
We are not going back there. You en know, old chap that Massa Day Done? Repeat after me. Mass Day Done!