Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Las Vòlè......


Anonymous said...

Did you first check out the politicians, especially the khaki-coloured ones?

Anonymous said...

wow politics again...the little criminals all over the place that doing the dirt. it wasn't a politician that broke into my house and stole everything from my shoes to my son's cash tin. they should send all dem dirty thieves to rat island

Anonymous said...

introduce the "eye for a eye" punishment no matter how old the perpetrator is, and you see results.

Anonymous said...

Our voted-for so-called elected leaders, the UWP political bandits plainly made off with millions of dollars, some hurricane relief money. Did anyone seek out to recover or punish the perps, save the Tuxedo Affair, OECS court case? No! Anonymous at 9:59 PM, you suck!!!

Anonymous said...

@5:17 You SUCK!!!! Why don't you pull your head out your arse for a minute and look beyond politics for once...I bloody hate this politics thing and you party hacks get on my last nerve. There are problems with the PEOPLE that politicians neither red nor yellow can fix. The people have to fix up and act for themselves in some cases...Not EVERYTHING has to rely on politicians choooooops

Anonymous said...

The politicians,set the standard,and are not penalize,whats
an unemployed homeless man to do?

Anonymous said...

5:07 Kenny legalized the appropriation of 5% of the people's salary with his budget trick. Now, let the people fix that on their own.
Plato, the Greek philosopher said that those who refuse to get involved in politics must be prepared to be governed by the inept those more ignorant than themselves. We see that happening every single day in Saint Lucia. You are just another part of the same damn problem. You moron!

Anonymous said...

When people stop waiting for things to happen, come together as on voice and take action, that is self governance. Rightfully, the People should have the say as to how their country is run and not a small number of greedy imbeciles who piss in the eyes of the people and call it rain. Now so far No political party in St. Lucia is doing a good job...the majority of the politicians here are corrupt both red and yellow and this is my reason for not wanting to support them. I get what Plato means and he is spot on and that just strengthens my point. People need to be more proactive in fixing the ills that is plaguing society and one of the first steps to doing so is to look beyond colour and wisely choose politicians to lead the country. If the people spoke up and had the balls to elect true leaders who had the best interest of the people at heart THEN we could all point fingers at them when they falter. but at the moment, there is pure segregation...reds blaming yellows and vice versa and whilst this feud is going on, the problems continue to grow and the nation continues to deteriorate. Until the People take hold of the reigns, this political feud is gonna bring nothing but more disaster.

Anonymous said...

Well said.

Anonymous said...

OK, so? And your point? Yellow will do a better job?

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

No Yellow will do no better. Both parties are just as bad as each other. Lucians need to elect decent, honest human beings to run this country and none of the current politicians fit that bill. but being realistic, that is but a fantasy because there will always be die hard red or yellow supporters who will do their best to get their party elected rather than vote for someone who has the country's best interest at heart

Anonymous said...

Saint Lucians are the offspring of ex-slaves who always saw their salvation being in the hands of their slave masters. As such, they are always looking out for a handout. We have a beggar mentality. Today, it is no different. We are looking for handouts from one party or another. To qualify for the expected handouts we largely vote for, we stick to one party no matter how rotten the characters that this party has as its candidates. That is why we got a cabinet full of crooks, liars before courts, real certified US jailbirds, and land-lubber drug barons. Saint Lucians do not read. They are uninformed about how decent governments are run. Our reprobate politicians are just too happy to oblige. These scamps always provide us with the governments we deserve. The smiling faces of governments made of real good-for-nothing scoundrels.

Anonymous said...

@6:57 AM. Yes you are so right!

Son-of-man said...

6:57 & 5:20

Offspring of slaves?

These Commoners are still slaves - didn't you see them walking around Castries to get a piece of the dead body/corpse? Corpus Christie ?

Walking in the rain while the white Bishop is sheltered with a canopy carried by cannibal slaves with an appetite for a piece of the dead body of a white man named Jesus. Wanting nothing more than to drink his blood? These fools are worst than slaves; more like vampires!

Anonymous said...

Son, your just as ignorant Moslem faith is causing mayhem in Iraq. Take a look.

Please stop distorting the truth. Jesus was a Jew. He was not mixed as those of that faith coming from Europe.

You are trying just too hard to prove to the Imams that you will not become an apostate. Are you trying to prevent yourself from being secretly murdered by one of the primate and fiendish murderous POS from the "army of god" like those in Iraq?

Son-of-man said...

LOL 7:41

You Black Samboes are beyond redemption; to hear you defend the religion of canabalism given you in slavery. Is your name Kunta or Claudius Francis - slave name and all. look! you low life Negro without a name and a history, add language to that your enslaved parents were Muslims from Africa who taught your slave masters they should bathe everyday and not once a year - they called them, your parents that is "BLACK-A-MOORES". Ignorant slave!

These past days we have witnessed the result of the ill-advised American invasion of Iraq, followed by blunder after blunder. The disbanding of the Iraqi Army and anyone associated with the Baath Party by the America Care-Taker Paul Bremer were some of the more glaring blunders, then add to that the decision to Occupy Iraq which gave rise to the Resistance called Terrorists and today is known as ISIS.

Saddam was a mean and ruthless killer and we can agree on that. As long as he did the bidding of, “The Great Satan” he was safe and supported by the so-called civilized Tony Blair – a delusional Pirate. Remember these “Pundits” telling us the war would pay for itself? Forget about the reason they invaded in the first place; W. M. D.s. Weapons of Mass Destruction?

I am sure as these ruthless killers Paul Wolfowitzes, Dick Cheney , Rumsfeld, Blair along with a German Shepard named Collin Powell(put to sleep because of barking at night) will convince you herd of Negroes that another invasion of Iraq is the 'new' solution to the problems of the Old Invasion. “The same foreign policy ‘experts’ who lied us into the Iraq War are now telling us we must re-invade Iraq to deal with the disaster caused by their invasion!”

These are the same White Supremacists who fed the world the nonsensical “proof” that Saddam was seconds away from putting a “Mushroom Cloud” over New York, when it was well known that Saddam was Osama's staunchest opponent in that part of the world, and had nothing to do with the 9/11 terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon. The White Supremacists in the USA continue along the same trajectory in Syria demanding that Obama supply the ISIS terrorist with sophisticated weapons to topple the government of Assad.

Son-of-man said...


CECIL RHODES: Rhodes Scholarships

Every black child in grade school is taught Adolph Hitler killed six million Jews and is the worst human being that ever lived. On the other hand our children are taught “The Right Honorable” Cecil Rhodes the founder of the De Beer diamond company in South Africa who killed SIXTY MILLION Africans is a hero and a statesman, and if they study hard and do well in school they may be eligible to win Rhodes Scholarships the oldest and most celebrated international fellowship awards in the world. They don’t mention the scholarships are paid for with the blood of their ancestors.

Son-of-man said...



The biggest Liars are found in that church on Micoud Street where a Caucasian, a Naked Caucasian, is worshipped as God. The young people with a smidgen of intellect know that this organized fraud is perpetrated against them and have themselves become thieves.

Women are disrespected by this Cult of Misogynist who claim celibacy in paedophilia, teaching that God cursed the woman and had only ONE biological baby - a SON.

This Racist, Sexist White God hated the woman so much, that he aborted all his daughters until he had a boy. ONLY BEGOTTEN SON ? Why would any self-respecting woman get on her knees and pray to a naked man as her god, eat his flesh and drink his blood, is simply mind boggling.

"A Liar is A Thief"
"Las Vòlè....

Son-of-man said...


So there came a time when I presented the question to the Liars, "Why do we pray to Idols?"

"Well my child", said the liar, "we don't pray to Statues of God, but we use the statues and images to remind us what God looks like." I kid you NOT! right there on Brazil Street RC Boys school. Why did god kill his baby boy? what kind of child abuse is that? It's a MYSTERY my child! yes father.

So I was reminded that a) God is Caucasian b) God is a white man with a long beard. c) God has pale skin. d) God has blue eyes. e) and the Romans killed God and nailed him to a piece of wood to pay 'the price' for my sins.

Yes this was some reminder, and I did not have a "NICE" hair and complexion, but what really pissed me off about this God was he hated women and cursed them with an everlasting curse of childbirth. Now THIS is SICK! making me wonder why would a sister like Mary Francis and Susie ascribe to such satanic dogma.

The lie that was the abomination was God came to play dead for a couple of days to pay Lucifer, or did he pay himself? Oh yes Jesus is God who doesn't know when the World will end.

Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now, and at the hour of our death. LIE, you hear LIES? Mama bon deau? God mother??

Stop lying to the children, they will learn not to be Liars and thieves. ENJOY

Bob Marley - Crazy Baldhead build your school teaching this god above.


Anonymous said...

When I read the tirades of the author of 11.07pm I feel despair. Apparently one who has done some reading but also one who appears be be one dimensional; I.e Christianity is flawed compared with any other Religion.
Religion is good for Mankind but it loses great value when it is politicized. Grave mistakes have been made in the name of religion and they continue to be made by parties that continue to be self righteous. @11.07 appears to be on that band wagon. Frankly it would appear to be more beneficial to Mankind to follow the principles of any Group which advocates PEACE AND GOODWILL among the People of this little planet than the ROADSIDE EXECUTIONS of people who do not know how many times one should kneel and pray at certain times during the day! A persons's head should not be cut off just because he/ she does not agree with another on which is the right path to GOD orALLAH. If humans on this little planet are bound by GOODWILL , this should not be necessary in the 21st Century despite the mistakes of history. BUT THEN THERE' S POLITICS and FANATICS.

Son-of-man said...


I find your proposals for "Goodwill" irresistible, and agree that Fanaticism or Compulsion has no place in Religion, and on our tinny planet for that matter. Was it War or simply Savagery we witnessed this past week as hundreds, perhaps thousands of Government Troops and civilians were executed by the invading ISIS Fighters/Jihadist? Call it what you like, it was repugnant to see the brains of human beings shattered like coconuts.

My question to you is where does the 'buck stop'? The blame game is in 'high gear' in Western Capitals - is it Bush, Obama, Maliki ? I say this is the result of decisions made in Washington and London by Blair and Bush to embark on this War of Aggression to invade the country of Iraq for a Safari Adventure hunt for W.M.D.s.

Millions were killed and as you see, continue to die as a result of the ill-fated decision to unleash "SHOCK AND AWE", and bomb a people who had nothing to do with the 9/11 terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon.

So while Rochelle correctly condemns the thieves stealing the cell phones, and Carlton cries foul about his stolen I-phone from his BMW, who will bring the Mass Murderers, Blair and Bush to Justice? Or, is the unleashing of Tomahawk Missiles by the God image Bush and Tony, killing millions, sanctified, but the execution of two thousands by mere mortals diabolical?

Now the death of God combined with the perfection of the image has brought us to a whole new state of expectation. We(Caucasians) are the image. We are the Viewer and the Viewed. There is no other distracting presence. And that image has all the Godly powers. It kills at will. Kills effortlessly. Kills beautifully. It dispenses morality. Judges endlessly. The electronic image is (white) man as God and the ritual involved leads us not to a mysterious Holy Trinity but to our own white selves.