Thursday, June 12, 2014

Silence of The Lambs


Anonymous said...

you have to accept the privacy, not everyone like to be seen on tv

Anonymous said...

@3.49 yes that's true. But she does raise a good point in that Lucians have plenty to say until they have to put their money where their mouth is. They would rather roll around spouting ignorance until there's a chance it will catch up with them.

Anonymous said...

I will not talk on camera neither because you have no control how the media using the clip where you on it.
Just look at the local tv news and the clips you see, often this have very little to do with the content.

Son-of-man said...


You're are funny and witty - almost agitating Revolution and Government overthrow, A-A? - lol

Next time, put the mic in front of a Chastanet or a Claudius Francis, asking Chasanet about Taxes without representation or about the American Civil War, and he will tell you about the Tea act - ignorance is the way to progress; then axe Francis where is he hiding the Hitmen he Captured; A bunch of Hollywood Actors . lol

Just listen to Chastanet talk ignorance to a reporter who never said, "Man las parley gwen!"

you want to hear ignorance?

Chastanet Declares United States Civil war was caused by Taxation without Representation, and Slavery never existed.


Anonymous said...

Once again, we are not paying attention. Rochelle clearly stated that their responses would be anonymous, and only included in a a survey. They names would not be attached.

If we are not speaking out minds, in forums that can make a difference, then we are firefighting our right to sit in our homes and grumble uselessly.

Why is it that when given the opportunity to make a difference (especially anonymously, where there will not be backlash). Is is that we can no longer think for ourselves> Are we leaving that up to the politicians too?

Anonymous said...

previous post should have said forfeiting not firefighting (autocorrect again).

Lucian said...

This speaks to the real issue of fear of victimization. The reason why people don't want to be recorded is due to fear. No recorder, No Camera, No evidence, No fear. The question should be why is there so much fear of victimization? Is it Justified? Is it real? or is it Imagined?

Anonymous said...

Now this is a most refreshing discussion...and Lucian please allow me to second your concerns on FEAR!

FEAR not only perplexes- it triggers a plethora of paralyses - benign to chronic.

The watershed novels '1984' and "Animal Farm" are fair warnings of societal scrutiny and inevitable backlash.

The fact remains that some of the largest political revolutions called for the literal and figurative beheading of 'free thinkers" as in the symbolic burning of books etc.

Isn't it ironic that the great ingenuity of Chinese Antiquity gave the world the key to the printing press - yet MAO- purged intellectuals, burned books etc. in his mistrust of modern intellectuals.

And Hitler - at a time when German scientific- engineering and military innovation led the entire world and were precursors to moon landings and the atomic age- allowed a group of henchmen as in gang bangers (the Gestapo) to supersede all civil and military institutions of the state.

Yes siree the timeless battle between dogma and pragmatics -rages on.

In some parts of the world virgin girls can get shot for reading books of knowledge about the world.

The dogmatic and the fanatic both love folks who live and respond to life "like dumb driven cattle" (clipped from Longfellow's Psalm of Life)

Anonymous said...

Upset? Who cares?

Anonymous said...

on an island were money talks is it any wonder locals are afraid to talk incase it comes back to bite them in the ass!

Anonymous said...

#Changeisamust and #ChangeIsComing