Friday, August 8, 2014

Airborne Chikungunya A Myth


Anonymous said...

.....get the facts before you give your bowels an uproar..get the facts, stop the rumor mills!

Anonymous said...

Start with that sewage stench at Rodney Bay.

Anonymous said...

Good form doctor (MD)

You show class by using the general terms of tire and containers in referring to the breeding ground of the main vectors.

May I add that we have become fast food and comfort junkies with total disregard for casual blatant LITTERING which has skyrocketed exponentially!

The greater % of us are SLOTHS.

As our discarded plastic paper utensils wrappers and food drink containers gain the potential of mini interim breeding grounds; it is their collective transient powers that make for island infestation:

Imagine all our discarded garbage as choke points for multitudes of streams, rivulets, gullies, etc. creating makeshift cutoff dams.

The main force of water trickles onward but it is in those trapped shady pockets of still bypass waters we find suitable breeding homes for our AA vectors

My lovely doctor you have the implied mandate /executive function ; to declare a national emergency / deputize all media outlets so that your teams can reeducate the masses in languages /graphics that they can access.

A fortnight of immersion with your basic message followed by neighborhood search and destroy excursions. The more rural areas will need a more intense regimental strategy.

You've got the real power (the very best interests of the nation-madam doc -to call the action needed and command it to be put into effect. Sela!

May the mighty armor of our Divine eternal God, protect and guide you precious lady-amen.

Anonymous said...

some plain speaking public education needs to take place.
Its all about standing waters where mosquitoes breed. Education should be the first line of defense.

Anonymous said...

''Airbourne Chikungunya A Myth'' Not at all, however there should be more vigorous national health check inspection on all toilet cesspit to ensure adequate sealed construction with compulsory vertical 2 metre vent pipe since mosquitoes can,t fly upwards.