Monday, August 11, 2014



Anonymous said...

1-Is there a parallel criminal investigation (stabbing-assault with deadly weapon )
possible motive for stabbing
2- Is the victim affiliated with prior gang activity
3- There is a major time lapse between a stab wound and corresponding treatment and the treatment for internal injuries treated at St Judes
Are they separate that is occurring in time lapse sequence
If not
then how was it missed at Souf Hosp consisering the delirious intensity of pain associated with the internal damages treated at St Judes

- I HAVE A PROBLEM in My "Conan Doyle @ Baker St" Analysis of the sequence of events. As in the OJ declarative it does not fit.

Yes the allegations of supplies operating hours may stand for the Souf facility BUT

If anyone stiches you up and you still had those massive injuries visited later at St Judes

you can bet your bottom dollar that your screams of anguish would be heard as far laborie. Therefore, someone in Souf even a taxi (Tourist Mecca 24-7) would have wisked you away to Victoria or St Jude

Yes Souf is an acute center their job is to stabilize and move you on to a surgical hospital

Now if your attack was deliberate not spontaneous then we need to weigh that in to establish whether (conjecture of course) the second attack on you was an attempt to finish you off)

OOps I bounced between first second person intentionally because except for the attacker the victim is the only source of truth on the incident- thus far.

And please, its tax payer $ thats accountable and needs nothing short of the pure truth. WE need answers to pieces of this strange puzzle before we attack the SYSTEM

WHat is the motive for the initial attack?
Was there a subsequent attack that did cause or extended the initial stab wound?
We need CID analysis of the crime before we get on the adequacy of medical this that hambug

My condolences to another human caught up in the casual violence of our times.

Anonymous said...

Whe a crime of opportunity as in a mugging occurs the criminal is mostly interested in the quick but smooth transfer of valuables from their target.

-they certainly are not interested in adding the long arm of the law to a potentially severe offense.

Stabbings are very Personal (except if a ssimpler crime like robbery larceny goes awry and escape is compromised by the victims resistance).

Over the pat decade or so there has been a steep rise in crimes of passion involving stabbings- even by females.

Impulse /rage/ revenge all thrust their violent tentacles in this passionate frenzy

We need to isolate these factors before we can appropriately blame the system.

The well of empathy is being drained by the apparent lovelessness in our midst.

Anonymous said...

....." people are treated poorly and don't know who to report to"?..not so! Harold Dalson is your elected representative , so you should be protesting at his door!...this is who you turn to when the community has a problem.

Anonymous said...

Alvina Reynolds is in way over her head.

Anonymous said...

Harold Dalson came to you and ask for your vote which you gave him. He promised to make things at the Hospital better. If he has done nothing, why are you waiting so long to make him know you are still waiting. Let us stop treating politicians as our bosses. Let them deliver. Pass it on to the Ministry of Health.

Anonymous said...

Community organizing: this is the future for change in get on with it, PEOPLE!

Anonymous said...

And the KENNY ANTHONY who grew up in Balcar; a quarter of Saltibus; who lived a mar-lay-way life; and claim he wanted to be in government to look after the mar-lay-way and that is what the people of this country is getting from the sucker.

How we hate the dog.