Friday, August 15, 2014



Anonymous said...

what right has anybody to take another persons life! the police officer should be trained in handling them situations of people with knifves and if required to shoot at him, hit him to get him under control but not kill him! Is this the way it is in st lucia now that if you put up a stuggle, you get shot by the police!

Anonymous said...

Why doesn't that moron simply shut its flappers?

Anonymous said...

I am disappointed in Mary Francis

Anonymous said...

It's not the outcome Mary Francis was hoping for. Therefore, it's the wrong outcome.

Son-of-man said...


Mary Francis, is the best thing Lucians possess in the Judicial System; a stalwart between extrajudicial killings by the trigger-happy police and the mal-ley-wez Lucian. Thank Allah for this Giant of a Lucian.

4:38 what are you disappointed about; the police did not kill enough mentally challenged Lucians? Kenny Anthony should just give you all Cutlasses so you all can just kill your sick, savage, tribal Lucian-Hutus-Tutus selves. I will dig a mass grave right there at George Charles Airport as a memorial to your ignorance.

I'll tell you this; with the amount of alcohol you drunks consume, that just might be the perfect solution to the bankrupted treasure.

Anonymous said...

@#1...putting up a struggle or not, the ANIMALS, aka, St Lucian's police, WILL SHOOT AND KILL YOU...didn't you know?

Ref. Americans policies towards St Lucia regarding police killing people without due diligence.

Anonymous said...

I am left more concern now more than ever, because of people in our society
like 9:27pm and 4:38am. They need to understand that any family can face this same situation. I can in non way challenge the verdict, but from what I read during the time of the incident, the police version on the matter held no weight. Now without prejudge the next verdict I have taken a hush and wait for it. the Chaka Dan inquest.See, where as i do not support the USA stance on our police force,
I am concern about the negative impact such verdict can cause to our police force. Fingers crossed I hope that it dose not.

Anonymous said...

The fact that KENNY ANTHONY is so hell-bent on aligning this country with Cuba and Fidel Castro; should not surprise us that such systems for a coroner's inquest which should have its basis for impartiality and FAIRNESS; is yet to be addressed by this particular party in power for fifteen years.

SHAME is much to mild a word to describe this state of nasty affairs in this country.

Anonymous said...

Can those bloggers ranting about Mary Francis; speak to the ISSUE at hand.

The fact is; the system is not conducted by specially appointed INDEPENDENT person; to serve as coroners.

Instead it is conducted by a Magistrate whose appointment is at the whims and fancies of the Government in power. Furthermore, that magistrate already has a load of cases before him/her to study and prepare for; so the question is; is that magistrate's work as a coroner effective/ and is it the best; we the Public DEMANDS and EXPECTS. That is the issue here.

As a matter of fact; for such an important matter; a CORONER should have the same INDEPENDENCE as the AUDITOR GENERAL/DIRECTOR OF AUDIT. One deals with the fitness and properness of how a government spends the public's monies; and the other deals with the CIRCUMSTANCES OF THE DEATH/KILLING OF ONE OF OUR CITIZENS/RESIDENTS/VISITORS.

Is this not pellucid enough.

This country must DEMAND Better. I can see why the United States took its stance.

Anonymous said...

....those who have NO moral authority to chastise others! Ferguson, Missouri..

Anonymous said...

....police shoot and kill over 400 people annually in the United States(97% of the victims are black young males)... Indictments?...what indictments? St. Lucians must to aspire to a fair and impartial standard of justice; but this state will become a reality only if the PEOPLE demands any means NECCESSARY!!