Saturday, August 16, 2014

Whither Parliament?


Son-of-man said...


With few exceptions, St. Lucians are led by men and women of stunning mediocrity and depravity. Negro-acolytes of a decomposing monarchy, instigate a deluded population in a never-ending war of Tribal Politics. Claudius James Francis, able to produce counterfeit documents at will, and Space Alien-Assassins dispatched by Richard Frederick to murder the fraudulent and nefarious Claudius, who is rewarded at Tax-payers' expense, with a Government Job by the depraved leaders of the Labour Government.

We can observe Chastanet and his team of miscreants in a narcotic-like frenzy engaging in the sexual orgies, of “Let's GET Frederick!!”; who has violated the First Commandment, “Thou Shall Not Speak Without The Massa's Permission” - yes, GUILTY of calling the White man an IMBECILE; or was it an IGNORANT IMBECILE?? Yes, this cult of Shipwrecked Slaves from Do-Little's Marigot Bay, UWP delegates led in partnership with an Hermaphrodite engaged in masturbation to obtain instant gratification while ensuring their self-abasement and self-destruction.

As we have embarked on a diet of Electronic “News”, being fed this toxic, mindless cacophony, our own version of gladiator fights, Chastanet Vs. King, Richard vs. UWP, Kenny vs. Chastanet, the hermaphrodite's defeat of all the King's men, then tossing the cadavers and all their worldly possessions into the Boiling Sulfur Springs, YES!

We have become eager accessories in the great hoaxes of Allen and Claudius. These are the hoaxes we play on ourselves with the directors Claudius James Francis, Peterson Francis, Hermangild Francis, Peter Josie, the narcissist John Rick Leary Wayne carrying an axe to exact vengeance for being castrated by Kenny, The Joseph Brothers, the hermaphrodite – Gladiator Spectacle at the Coliseum Empire of Illusions.

The Hoax of the Ages, has been perpetrated against the People of Castries and Saint Lucia by a number of Fraudsters led by the Slime-ball Claudius Francis, resulting in the revocation of Richard's U.S. visa, stagnating his ability to pursue commerce in the U.S.A. on behalf of the people of St. Lucia.

There's nothing mystifying about the behavior of the Tribal Leaders of Lucian politics, they give the people what they love – 'maypwee' and illusions of grandeur. While I prefer a Kenny Anthony to the profoundly ignorant Allen Chastanet, I have had to come to accept that Kenny Anthony had to be an accomplice in the criminal actions of the one he Anthony, has rewarded with the leader of the Senate, the nefarious Claudius Francisco, for assassinating the character of the Hon. Richard Frederick. Please don't hold your breath while waiting for these politicians to “acknowledge the error of their ways”? I suggest you will be more successful, asking God to strike them with lightening!

Anonymous said...

Why the hell you folks in this country allowed Claudius Francis to be placed in this Senate; puzzles me.

So take what you friggin deserve.

You must pay now for not minding your business.

Anonymous said...

We must rid ourselves with this thing called the Senate. It plays no valuable role.

It it remains the persons appointed should be recommended by the workers unions; the employers federation; the chamber of commerce; and the St. Lucia Christian Council. A true representation of the people.