Monday, January 28, 2013

Help Our Ship “St Lucia” Is Running Aground! Part 2


Anonymous said...

The Labour Party under Kenny have only known how to " Tax borrow and spend!"

No new ideas and he has received over $500,000 in per diem for all his Talk, travel and take all over the world.

A brand new big SUV given to him by a supporter! Wish someone would "give" me a car ! Did he pay tax?

Over $3,000,000 in salary to date!

Over $700,000 in gratuity and a pension when he leaves politics!

And this is the person for the mamlaway. He is an elite only out for his pocket .

And I forgot - he has his own law office.

Anonymous said...

Kenny does not know how. The followers in his party know less. The voters who shout en rouge are blissfully the most ignorant. Show comedy continues. The financial errors multiply. The mortgaging of our future is on steroids. Sauve qui peux!

Anonymous said...

Max, you are either asleeep or you have not caught on with the reality of this situation. This ship has already sank and its rudder is stuck in the sand. The question is, who is going to rescue it and bring it back afloat. We need brave and daring, real people who actually care about this land and its people to think and perform outside of the traditional political box to make things smooth. These polticians are simply playing games. The faces change but the game still remains the same. We have become like "parts" in the comedy of srrors our elected officials play all the time and the thing is we are too ignorant to realize that, always "hoping" that the something will change. Yes, there's change, for change is constant, but what change? It's the same old vicious cycle over and over again.

Anonymous said...

Max, you are right. But I find it took you too long to come to this conclusion. Until now your thinking has been skewed. I like your coming of age.

Anonymous said...

Wow! You have come down from the mountain only to discover that the Emperor has no clothes?