Saturday, January 26, 2013

The cost of paying attention


Anonymous said...

Earl my boy you will surely be a happy man to death if our Saint Lucia becomes a dictatorship. You will be able to harvest what you did not plant. Sorry but you will not see this happen at all.

Anonymous said...

An interesting piece to say the least Mr Bousquet . I find it hard though to comprehend that a journalist such as yourself is not able to amass the information to determine Who are the 100 richest people in St. Lucia and how much are they worth. Perhaps I can steer you to a a starting point. I am willing to bet that at least 50 of the our "riich" in St Lucia are members of gov't (not just ministers mind you) of administrations present and past. Being “rich” is relative — by definition it means having more money than the people you meet and see every day. So lets compare the average St Lucian to that of many persons who occupy or had occupied positions in gov't. Now let us be clear here, this is not an accusatory exercise, it is a mere observation to which anyone can disagree. and like I said its a place to start in order to come to a conclusion to your question. Now Mr Bousquet should my speculation and conjecture be proven correct would it not be interesting to know how a large fraction of our "rich" having being public officers can manage their wealth on a personal front but do such a lousy job at handling the the Finance Affairs of the People of St Lucia. That too should add some intrigue to the topic. Milton Friedman in a discussion said this of Capitalism "The more intellectual a person is, the more they hate capitalism.Intellectuals hate capitalism because intellectuals are egomaniacs; they think they’re smarter than everybody else. And if capitalism were just, they would be the ones who are rich, because they’re the ones who are smarter. And because intellectuals are the ones who are smarter than everybody else, they’re the ones that deserve it!. Hmmm... Capitalism Mr Bousquet is not the problem the interpreters of it are........especially ours...