Saturday, June 7, 2014

Where There Is No Vision


Anonymous said...

It's about time we learn to speak for ourselves, just keep to the truth and don't be afraid .

Anonymous said...

Would you trust a barber giving you a single blade close shave- along the neckline in between deep puffs of ganja?

How about your flight into vigie being landed by captain sensomelia of Irie Airlines -who believes in toting on his bong to take the edge off takeoffs and landings

How about your annual colon check up (yeah the one done via rectum entrance) by a tech who has purified self with a SPLIFF rolled from real cuban cigar leaves aged from dried cognac pressings.

Is it ok for your girlfriend who must have hi grade sensomelia buds in her pipe to offer gratituous "favors" to the local dealer when she is short of procrement funds.

Have you ever being tempted to do it while gyrating to dance hall with a bevy of ganja puffing concubines-

Is there any loyalty among smokers-their fruit of the loom- BVD's and their Victoria Secrets counterparts.

We can always blame it on the hazy -lazy curly wiffs of the spliffs, oui?

MI said...

@3.38 - yes that's useful. Set up a straw man to knock down. You apply the same laws as alcohol, imbecile. Simples.

Go and enjoy your rectal search...

Anonymous said...

Malheureusement 6:09
I have no need to search for c*ap. I have counseled lost souls who would rob their family's meager earnings to pay their local dealer (who never gets high).

Do you get high. You sound like a high brow dealer (who does not sample his/her wares)
looking to legitimize your earning power- at any addicts expense -and tax paying society indirectly.

Have you ever counseled girls who turn in tricks for pimps for a weekly supply of mid grade ganja?

Texting on a phone is as bad as drinking then driving AND toting a joint and driving and snorting coke and driving or having an exotic sex act while driving ( I actually witnessed this on the I-95 while driving to a rehabilitation workhshop at a trauma center in New Hampshire)

When folks question the legality of alcohol in defense of legal ganja- you know they are purveyors of the trade looking to make EASY money at expense of vulnerable addicts.

Getting high is getting high. IT IS ALWAYS A STATE OF ALTERED CONSCIOUSNESS......

Even the electromagnetic field of a cell phone pressed to your head will alter the local brain wave field -temporarily.

Finally, I mentioned the colonoscopy because it is a popular vital screening medical routine that is not only delicate but can go seriously awry with life threatening ruptures etc.

Yet, you callously trivialized this vital medical procedure with sexual innuendo revealing YOUR batty buoy obsession....

I do not smoke fags when in London Town .........

However, barbecue hypocritters are always on the menu..when visiting Dallas

Nuff said!