Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Technology Cheating Our Children Cries Mother Of Two


Anonymous said...

You must join the revolution SMARTLY!

GET YOURSELF versed in many of the educational uses of the devices and the apps available in your quest ALL of this can be done for FREE

Once you have honed some skills reclaim management of the roost by DIRECTING school homework and extensions via the device

Here are some ideas from skill s you have previously mastere online for free. I do not have the time to list websites but HP has a great all areas of digital literacyin online classes for free I Think its now called HP ACADEMY also ITunes U
- Go to the WEBQUEST SanDiego University website to learn about webquests
then design a simple webquest for major concept areas of study in your childs Science , SS, Art, Language Arts Classes. Make this a weekly assignment .
- You and her can follow the activities in Teacher Challenge put out by EDUBLOGS- You may want to collaborate with one of her teachers on this one-
- Get a free GLOGSTER ACCOUNT for her she can actually present /post her WEBQUEST activities there - The creative and multimedia opportunities will stimulate learning in a fun platform
- Explore the EPAL educational website. They are very safe and secure. Their activities are so relevant and focused to use positive collaborative energies of youngster.

Thats all for now
Remember first YOU the adult explore the resources above. Select one to gain some familiarity if not mastery then DIRECT your childs focus to use that tool in tandem with their current subject/topic.

Good luck

Anonymous said...

Parenting, Parenting...Parenting!

Anonymous said...

do the girl tablet fall just so from heaven into her hand or did you buy it?
Oh i forget...bringing value home :-)