Saturday, January 19, 2013

Challenges facing St. Lucia’s Tourism Industry: Product Diversification


Anonymous said...

Building monuments while people are literally starving?

Boy, Mr. Jn Baptiste, the masses of the people want a slice (for those who are now improverished) and a bigger slice (for those who are continously being poorly paid) in the composite tourism/economic sectoral pie.

If not part of your considerations and deliberations regarding reducing economic hardship which should be a terminal or end goal, then what you have on offer up there is little more than a poorly configured means, and very charitably put, just pie in the sky.

ILANMAN said...

Now that you shot down the ideas put forth, it is amazing that you did not provide any new suggestions of how to accomplish this goal.

Anonymous said...

The development of the Village can best be attained through the implementation of the St. Lucia Global Development Fund and the St. Lucia Global Skills Bank. These two institutions will serve to increase the size of St. Lucia from 238 square miles to all areas where St. Lucians reside. The thrust of the Development Fund will be based on the pooling of economic resources whereby 10,000 St. Lucians will be identified and required to each contribute US$20.00 or EC$53.60 to this fund monthly. This transaction will be translated into US$200,000.00 or EC$536,000.00 on a monthly basis or US$2.4 million or EC$6,432,000.00 on an annual basis. This structure distributes the risks among a pool of St. Lucians and will not require major sacrifices on the part of individual St. Lucians for raising huge amounts of money for investments both at home and globally. The government should treat this investment by St. Lucians at home as a deductable for tax purposes. However, the Global Development Fund will not achieve its goals if it is not attached to skills set through the St. Lucia Global Skills Bank.

Much simplier: Create an incorporated venture capital firm and fund. Saint Lucian-based, make the OECS your market.

Anonymous said...

First anonymous, while reading the article, it came across like a neo-populist project where the masses will have ownership and management control of this project. This was clearly articulated through the Global Development Fund and the Global Skills Bank. Bro, the last time I checked there were no pies in the skies..we are living in the time when everything is possible.

Anonymous said...

Writer, when everything is possible, your own words, why not pie in the sky :)