Saturday, January 5, 2013

Does Kenny ever get it right?


Anonymous said...

You are nothing but an SLP apologist!!! Damn you!!
When people have been lied to for so long you expect them to not worry????
No one is saying that Kenny should produce miracles. What the people are concluding is that he does not have the answer to the problems that face us!!!

Anonymous said...

Carlton paye Jellou.

Anonymous said...

This has to be one of the most nonsensical, poorly thought out and childish bits of garbage ever written in this venerable newspaper!

This Ishmael must have his brains in some other part of his anatomy than his skull.

Kenny Anthony who is phenomenally hypocritical on VAT and the Taiwanese, silent on Grynsberg and Rochamel, incompetent to handle an economy which he and Phillip Pierre has bankrupted is supposed to be given free reign BECAUSE he is there and we must just give him all the rope in the world to hang us Lucians!

The man who with Phillip Pierre borrowed $2 billion in his last two Administrations, who has expanded the civil service exponentially so that we have no money to do anything else in St. Lucia except pay civil servants salaries and interest on debt - is to be let off lightly to do as he pleases.

With his amazingly incompetent leadership which he covers daily with his 'Kenny and Tony' pronouncements we are supposed to excuse because 'he deh'.

This character has only been about his self aggrandizement all his life and he will twist and turn like the best snake in the world to get what he wants and this Ishmael's answer is - leave him alone!

He was 'brilliant' because he went to UWI , and he lectured and was Chairman of CARICOM then the other day he gives a speech to say "CARICOM finished" or has to change dramatically because every ting hard. So he was in the middle of that which is a mess but like a true Kenny and Tony he comes out to act as if he never ever heard of the place. so he is brilliant when everything ok but when he is part of the failure he just excuses himself.

just as he does with our debt, and large government bills and the breakup of agriculture, and the murder rate - always everyone elses fault.

Wake up you clown!

No wonder St. Lucia is finished!

Anonymous said...

Too many people are part of the problem because they contribute nothing to the solution.

Anonymous said...

Saint Lucians are so God damn mentally lazy that they wallow in the behaviours of the continuous parade of political jackasses that they elect, to continue to condition their minds to see everything in terms of party.

As a result, they lack any semblance of independence and individual responsibilty for their own lives, living and begging for handouts from one party boss or another.

The teeming hordes of idiots just going about the place criticise or praise not on the basis of whether something is good or bad, but whether their party or its boss did it or not.

Without any sense of fairness or objectivity, our numbskulls and idiots just vote blindly or wave their hands in excitement or anger uncritically like the friggin' dumb asses they are, depending on their party affiliation.

These hordes of Saint Lucian jackasses believe that there is a fixed economic pie, and every five years there is a need for party members to play musical chairs to win a place at the political trough.

They do not vote with the objective of putting someone into office who would grow the economy, but someone who would give their beggar mentality some comfort with a political crumb.

That is why unashamedly, an @$$#% whole UWP cabinet of miscreants instead of a cabinet of honourable ministers had their hands stuck in the cookie jar, giving unfair tax concessions to a fellow minister.

The Court disallowed and squashed that crooked deal, and blatant piece of malfeasance.

Jailbirds on release only sometimes change their underwear, their characters remain untouched.

Most Saint Lucians are characteristically absolutely shameless and unrepentant when it to the misdeeds of their party.

Cicero said...

We have heard that before on LucianTalk. Jailbirds and the other insults towards the people of St Lucia are not new.

Anonymous said...

There is really a problem.

There is clearly a problem that we have a people so indoctrinated by liberal culture to accept so much that is destructive and immoral that we do not know how to define success or failure, good or bad, negative or positive.

We have all the information at our fingertips on the internet or in newspapers but lack a foundational ethos that helps us define whether what we see is good, bad or indifferent.

Therefore we see Kenny Anthony on television in the House during the Budget Debate quoting vast sums that will be expended during the year and we think "good" , 'great'. More money coming. Everything working fine!

As an electorate we do not have the critical faculties to look deeper and realize he has committed the country and its citizens to borrowing hundreds of millions to fulfill pipe dreams and pay civil servants.

We do not recognize that because of his borrowing in our name that we have to pay hundreds of millions annually in interest charges that cannot be used to do capital projects.

We never ask: ' What did you do with all that you promised and did not deliver in previous years?

A democracy cannot work unless you have a thinking critical electorate with the capacity to understand what is before their faces.

Unfortunately here in St. Lucia we lack that capacity so just accept all that is thrown at us from successive charletans.

Anonymous said...

Take Grynsberg for instance?

Does it mean nothing to our people that this agreement was signed without our knowledge or being taken to the House?

Does it mean nothing to the people that 10 years after this fiasco (which is what it is!)that the chief character refuses to come on tlevision to explain anything to the people!

Does it mean nothing that not one lawyer with a moral backbone will take up this travesty with the courts?

Where are the strikes and marches when a major national asset is prostituted out of our hands?

So we have a problem. We have lost all our morality and understanding of right and wrong.

Anonymous said...

For the political situation to change we need a new crop of politicians who can put St. Lucia first. The current and former administrations put themselves and party first. We also need the citizens to understand that they deserve better. When our choices are the current UWP or SLP, that is not much of a choice. I don't have confidence in either party.

Anonymous said...

So we have a problem. We have lost all our morality and understanding of right and wrong.

January 7, 2013 6:01 AM

That is why even today, we EMBRACE jailbirds, guilty as charged of identity theft, as legitimately suitable to be a member of parliament, and for these SOBs to represent St. Lucia on the world stage.

Here is another part of the problem right there below.


Cicero said...
We have heard that before on LucianTalk. Jailbirds and the other insults towards the people of St Lucia are not new.

January 6, 2013 7:41 PM

In their advnced stage of senility and absolute deceit, these lying bastards are shamming, with their apparent sensitivity to 'insults'. But you can see, that their $#$@&#! are well tucked in safety in the US, with them even boasting that they are not ever coming back home to live. Mind you.

Such are the bastards that we have, consistently acting out their feigned concerns about country.

Meanwhile locally, the resident evils and goons in government, and other perpetrators, relish this kind of active support, seekig even greater opportunity to continue with their outrages.

Look around you. The children are hanging themselves and others are drinking things like grammozone to escape the hell hole created by the rolling convoys of deceitful and amoral politicians and labour union leaders.

St. Lucia they say is idiot country, with the lowest IQ in the world.

For the love of country, the smart ones are happily residing overseas, but telling the landlubbers to continue doing their usual sh#$#@!

Meanwhile, CARICOM's drug mules and drug barons from the Jamaican ghettos are poised to take greater control of our country and further complicate our lives with the help of our home-grown politician drug lords.

St. Lucia is a hell hole.

LLL said...

Welcome to Saint Lucia. What else do you expect from a nation of constant complaints whether the glass is half full or empty. Typical Lucians!! The only time Lucians don't complaint is when they live in another country with the same set of norms.

Anonymous said...

What? Luciantalk closed down? Little wonder that totally dishonest religious nut with his normal bull-S-ting self is here.

Anonymous said...

you all are such hypocrites. The last administration was pure rubbish and you all accepted everything. the problem with you all flambeaus Kenny sar met zoute so hort ka twapae toot betise pooh di. tiwah kor horte lar.

Anonymous said...

everything they did.

jeff daniel said...

the slp is up to something and what they up to is not in the best interest of the country but he going to use the country to get

Anonymous said...

You mean Campache and Cicero?

Franklin McDonald said...

The sentiments expressed above are really passionate, deep felt, honest in some ways and true in other ways, of a section of our citizenry. There are many people out there who feel your pain, undestand your sentiments and share your anger. They agree with some of the sentiments, but not necessarily all, and they would like to pat some of you on the back or shake your hand. Unforunately, they can't shake the hand of Mr. Ms. or Mrs. Anonymous. At least not now. Keep on reading, keep on writing.
Franklin Mcdonald

Armchair Anonymous said...

Poor Jab Carlton ... seems the "readers" (except for Franklin McDonald) of your article missed your mark!! Instead, you get your 100 lashings on your back.

Seems like YOUR sentiments flew right over their heads, or ... maybe they did not "read to understand". Typical.

I could hardly understand, or even fathom, the bloggers rantings - even to the point of low-rating themselves, by referring to St Lucians as "idiots" (takes one to know one). This made me chuckle.

Carlton - keep on writing! (I just KNOW I too will get lashings on my back for MY opinions).

mikey37 said...

Well said!
At least KA is educated which is more than can be said of most of the people whose nonsensical comments leave me speechless!

But will nobody take power for altruistic* reasons?
*Look it up if you have a dictionary!

Anonymous said...

The comment about the plight of young people in St. Lucia is so true.

Almost every young person in the 15 -25 age bracket is looking for their passport out of St. Lucia.

The older generation of Kenny Anthony, Phillip Pierre, Bousquet (AKA Tucker), King, Montoute, have been utter failures and have sucked the money and life out of Fair Helen!

Yet the electorate know no better. They cannot discern the good from the bad and will continue the charade that is called politics in St. Lucia.

Anonymous said...

"At least KA is educated" ....which goes to show you that even the educated are ignorant and incompetent !

As someone said - a recent report showed that the second least intelligent people on the planet were St. Lucians. We all disputed how they came to that conclusion but some of the clowns here show that for some, this is pretty close to the truth! Lol !

Anonymous said...

Ware. Chu Kenny Patay. Look better days.

Anonymous said...

What about the $100M investment shortly after he got elected? Kenny is a crook - period.

Anonymous said...

Whenever dealing with Kenny Antonoy or Phillip pierre watch every word.

Kenny Anthony addressed the nation on Sunday night and laid all the blame for St. Lucia's fiscal problems on the Stephenson King Administration. I am not an apoligist for King who was an abysmal failure as Prime Minister with the felon and characters in his Administration.

Yet we cannot let the Labour Party lies stand.

Under Kenny Anthony St. Lucia's interst payments on debt went from $1.25 million per month to $1.5 million per WEEK. From over $16 million annually to over $70 million annually.

Under Phillip Pierre and Kenny Anthony from 1997 -2006 our public service and wage bill increased by thousands and tens of million of dollars rrspectively.

Under the SLP the national debt EXPLODED by billions even as agriculture failed, murders increased, and the fabric of our society dissolved.

Then Kenny comes on as if Tony has nothing to do with what is wrong with St. lucia today.

This is like the arsonist complaining that houses are burning down in the city !

Labour Party leaders are such accomplished liers that you would come away from Sunday's speech thinking that Kenny Anthnoy just appeared on the scene in the last year and had never touched the national finances ever in his life.

Go figure!

Anonymous said...

You see what I mean? You have nailed it dead on. I personally refuse to side with those idiots.

Anonymous said...

You guys keep on pointing, but are pointing at yourselves. When the political caravans coming through with their noises at election time, it is you, the same idiots who jump and wave.

You celebrate idiocy of both the bankruptcy of financial, management, and economic know-how of the SLP, and worse still, the vagabond political banditry of the UWP, instead of demanding answers to the real searching questions regarding accountability. You are so-o-o-o much and essentially part and parcel of our god damn problems.