Thursday, January 24, 2013



Anonymous said...

I wonder who does the financing for these forums. Alot of talk and no action. When will the implimentation of does endless recommendations begin? As acute as our economic situation is, I suggest we begin now. Some are desperastely in need of food or jobs, whichever comes first.

Anonymous said...

Talk, talk and a whole bunch of talk. Just take a good look @ the folks @ the head table - this is why SL is where it is today. Put a whole bunch of light skinned 'all talk folks' in power that's what you will get - talk, all talk.

Anonymous said...

Well well talk about ESP...I was just typing the exact same thing. People need to 'SEE' what is going on in this country...Kenny especially he is 'massa minded' and has been wired that way. Just take a look at this guy's wife, his kids, people he associates with, all are as close to white as you can get. That is part of the problem in SL - class and colored warfare - PERIOD. Pip himself mentioned it about Allen Cahstanet at one time - kenny worse.

Anonymous said...

Less phds and more wealth creators.

A degree is like dog food over here everyone has one . Most self stackers in supermarkets have degrees or masters or phd.

My Managing director has a ponytail is worth £100m ansd creates extra-ordinary wealth.

Doesn't wear a suit

Anonymous said...

I think St Lucians are getting over this Phd phase.
Nothing wrong with a man having a Phd but it does not mean because you have won you should run a country.

Anonymous said...

You'll can say what you'll want, if Dr. Anthony goes up again, with his PHD, he will win hands down. He is a thousand times better than what you'll had for a prime minister in King.

Anonymous said...

PHD in law???

Give me a break??

St Lucia's problem is an economic one. Solve he economic problem and the social problems will be lessen.

Anonymous said...

You bloggers need some basic education. If you are writing the English language, you need to use it properly instead of just wasting time criticizing those who can.

Anonymous said...

To many Saint Lucian politicians once they say jobs, they are smart enough to run for office. Jobs my tail, and cyan understand bullfoot from bull cow about business and management.

Anonymous said...

What did the PM bring to the table? Nothing. Nothing from nothing leaves nothing.

Anonymous said...

Obviously, the PM was out to sea and out to see on the subject. Clearly he was out of his depth. The subject matter was way beyond his tether.

He was unprepared.

For example, what did he have to say that was significant or remarkable, showing mission and vision in the face of the financial crisis facing the country?


I am still listening for it.

Like the King before him, the emperor has no clothes!

Anonymous said...

The emptiness and hollowness of the SLP's mission and vision for Saint Lucia is nothing short of astonishing! Given our two-party status, Saint Lucia is in between a rock and a hard place.