Monday, July 28, 2014

Arthur’s Exil


Anonymous said...

Don't ever forget, that Owen Arthur was groomed by the great and best of all; Tom Adams. Class; finesse, oratory, great brain, analytical thinking and none to beat him.

Are there any more like him in these parts/ I say absolutely not.

Anonymous said...

Former Prime Minister Tom Adams; was a master brain. He did everything with absolute class. Even the choice of his ladies.And I loved them all.

There won't be one like him. Ever.

Arthur has a conscience.Like Tom Adams he was not a vindictive man. He groomed Owen Arthur for his seat and his entrance into politics. And spoke highly of him and he (Owen having a good brain and sharp intellect).

Will the BLB fare well under Mia? We doubt much.

Anonymous said...

Blogger at 9.21AM and 9.25AM I agree with you both.

Arthur would be a much better leader than Mottley.

Anonymous said...

Let us add the message in and within the lines of the editor

-to the current milieu of much needed political renaissance here in St. Lucia.

Anonymous said...

The comments speak to the issues.

They are all part and parcel of the message.