Saturday, July 19, 2014

Controversy Always Creates Unrest


Son-of-man said...


you must have written this summation of the "Unrest" before the Malaysian plane was shot out of the skies.

Now the threat of more punitive sanctions against Russia is the drum beat of the Washington Politicians, with Russia promising to retaliate while Israel continues its genocide of the Palestinian babies and children in the Concentration Camp of Ghaza. Here are some pictures of those the Occupiers of Palestinian call terrorist:


Anonymous said...

Chastanet just get the hell out of here.

I won't even waste my time to read the crap someone has written for you.

Anonymous said...

The U.S. is like a drunk man with a loaded gun, in a heated argument, in a crowded bar. There can be no happy end.

Anonymous said...

If old man Chas is so clever with his analysis, he should tell Ti Chas, to behave himself. Allen said he would not work with either Richard Fredricks or Stephen King, two people who have demonstrated that they can win their parliamentary seats while he Allen will never win a seat any where in St. Lucia. Ouch