Wednesday, July 30, 2014

N.I.C.E. NOT FOREVER Employees Told Don’t Expect Permanent Employment


Anonymous said...

...Come on!...teach them to 'fish',..otherwise it's the same old same old!

Anonymous said...

"of the $100 million that the government had promised it would spend on creating jobs, $47 million has already been spent on employment initiatives, and there was another two and a half years to go.”

LOOK HOW THE STORY HAS CHANGED. It was 100 mil injected into the economy, not spend 100 mil. A drunk can spend 100 million. It's like someone inviting you out then you end up paying for them and the village.

Anonymous said...

Kenny Anthony is a real farce. And what a bloody shame. The country is now rudderless; on auto-pilot.

It is now in the drain and is about to be swept away.

Why? The political leader of the country told our traditional trading partners to go to hell; and preferred to embrace and rely on Chavez of Venezuela (now deceased) and Fidel Castro for (trading in goods and services) ? with St. Lucia?

Then, as if in a dream, dashes off to the United Kingdom (London) and the USA (Miami) begging for investments from these same countries he behaved with disrespectfully; undiplomatic and behaved as if these countries are St. Lucia's enemies.

Are you kidding me? Is Kenny Anthony all there? Hello!

Anonymous said...

Beware! Be careful what you wish for. Jackass politicians give us jackass governments.

Anonymous said...

In economic terms, this is a wealth transfer from taxpayers to the SLP's yard fowls, and its Cuban- and Venezuelan-styled en rouge-nista.

'Now I Can Eat' or NICE says it all.

In other words, these giveaways are not based in the realm of the economics of investment, but in the economics of consumption.

The moral depravity is clear too. SLP is buying the next election.

The results of such foolishness are obvious. The country is going nowhere fast.

Today therefore, the country is operating more and more like a failed state.

Anonymous said...

I wonder how long folks would recognize that this country is a failed state.

The greatest nation on earth; has cut funding from the most important institution in this country; and it has all to do with Kenny Anthony's political philosophy; and telling US Diplomats that he would deliver Richard Frederick on a platter; and had all the fine details on him; whilst he (Kenny Anthony) was in opposition; but since coming into Government he cannot deliver.

I can now clearly understand what Frederick said when he told Kenny Anthony "you know what I know; that you know; that I know". LOL!

And time will soon tell; the truth, and nothing but the truth.

Anonymous said...

NICE does not create jobs !

A job is a post of employment in which you do a specific task for which you are paid. There is the assumption that there is value for the money that you are paid.Aside from the fact that a large proportion of these workers do nothing or 'make work' it is also obvious that the assumption of JOBS was that these were sustainable jobs in private sector employment that contributed to the economy NOT one off non sustainable handouts that only increase the massive National Debt.

The feckless liberal Kenny Anthony has no clue how to create the framework to facilitate job creation in the private sector because his whole life has been about getting rich off of taxpayers money and borrowing at UWI CARICOM and at the government of St. Lucia !

NICE and STEP are government political HANDOUTS for votes and to keep a segment of the population from expressing their disgust at the utter incompetence
of the KENNY ANTHONY/PHILIP PIERRE Administration.

Therefore the $47 million paid out through these bribes does not constitute part of the promised $100 million for job creation.

Therefore Dr Anthony - where are the $100 million and the jobs?

This is the problem with liberals and socialists who cannot understand the Judeo Christian ethos that built western civilization. They do not understand concepts like free enterprise or personal property or wealth so cannot grasp the difference between government bribes paid by debt and sustainable jobs which create wealth.

This is why the Caribbean and St Lucia are doomed because these liberals/socialists only understand how to fill their pockets and make political decisions to keep feeding at the public though.

Anonymous said...

NICE is forever. SLP will be buying votes forever. Only the jobs are temporary.

Anonymous said...

An economy has to create wealth to succeed.
Catching and selling fish adds wealth and value to an economy.
Planting growing and selling agricultural produce FOR A PROFIT adds wealth to a society.
Selling products and services to tourists FOR A PROFIT adds wealth to a society.

Giving people handouts as political bribes by borrowing millions and increasing the national debt adds nothing to the economy as (1) it created nothing (2) takes money out of the hands of the more prudent producers and (3) is very quickly leaked out of the economy with consumer spending.
Dumb clueless liberal politicians somehow equate money that is taxed or borrowed to find its way into government coffers to hand out as bribes is wealth. That is how they get their $150,000 every year and the $5,000 trips and plush offices for which they give nothing in return so they think that is how a country developes! Dumb klutzes!

Anonymous said...

Is that the best our government can offer. We need long term, not short term employment. Its' time our people opened their eyes and quit accepting mediocre plans from our so called leaders. In fact, let us all never go back to the polls and let the idiots rot in their high chairs
with their bibs on their chests salivating over the fact that we no longer trust their asses. They all have fat pockets while the masses suffer. Down with all of them and the crumbs they offer us!

Anonymous said...

Teach them to fish? And where are the fish? There is no place to fish.
Sadly, we live pin a barren wasteland Stop placing your trust in these politicians. They all are blood suckers. Right now lucia needs a saviour, but the people have got to first get real and wake up or they will miss his or her coming.They keep us in survival mode to keep us distracted,then they destroy us. Wake up St Lucians!

Anonymous said...

People must go to people with real ideas, beg them to run, and vote these people into office.

Yes man, we can get good government without these two sets of goons that we have calling these political parties. Yes we can. Dump the jackass governments we have been voting for such a long time. Make jackass government history.

Anonymous said...

People must go to people with real ideas, beg them to run, and vote these people into office.

Yes man, we can get good government without these two sets of goons that we have calling these political parties. Yes we can. Dump the jackass governments we have been voting for such a long time. Make jackass government history.