Friday, July 25, 2014

Time To Change Narrative


Anonymous said...

Did you say "....back to black, breathing again?"

I applaud your enthusiasm, but sorry to say I do not share the same sentiment.
Yours is an excellent article, very thoughtful and in complete agreement but, knowing the nature of the beasts therein, any hope I may have had, have been vanquished a long time ago.
Is there any hope???
With the mind set of both camps as is, I wont hold my breath.
WE NEED A CHANGE - we all agree, but not the usual, for my liking.

Anonymous said...

Writer if you spent little time in Antigua you will observe that the psychological make-up is far superior than what we have there.

And this is where we start.

The educated ones amongst us must help the others with respect to Enlightenment and let them see the LIGHT. Remove them from the darkness.

Anonymous said...

"We have a young educated workforce, reliable power supply, good telecommunications systems, great industrial relations, an independent and working judiciary, low taxes, a stable government, an uncongested road network, an uncorrupt civil service, an international and regional airport, great hotels, banks, well-stocked shops and supermarket, a fantastic place to live and great place to do business."

Most of that is complete rubbish.

Anonymous said...

HE lives in an alternative universe. In his, the Saint Lucia he is talking about is similar in some respects, but does not reflect the reality of what exists right here.

Yes man, you have the right to your own opinions, but not to your own facts. Don't behave like Mr. Putin and our own disreputable and shameless local lying politicians.

Anonymous said...

When I see the world applauding St. Lucia as a country that produced two; NOT ONE, but TWO Nobel Prize Laureates; as a St. Lucian I must feel very proud about it and I spare no time BOASTING to my colleagues about it, both local and foreign; wherever I go about it.

This in itself should be an enormous motivation to our people; in particular our young people.

But sadly; the kinds of people; we as a people have entrusted with our country; in terms of its management and leadership; literally brings tears to one's eyes.

Firstly; how could we as a people have tolerated a man as our political leader; having as a sexual partner;a young girl who could have been his daughter in terms of her age ( a teenager).

Are we for real?

How could we tolerate any political party putting forward to us as a people; persons whose track record in politics has through evidence been known to be corrupt and worthless. Are we for real as a people. Persons such as Allen Chastanet,Kenny Anthony, Phillip Pierre, Velon John, Keith Mondesir, Guy Joseph, Ausbert D'Auvergne should and ought never, ever to see the light of day; ever again in the political life of this country. Nor would I put any close relative of John Compton.

We need to be serious about the kinds of people we place in our Governments. This is the only way our country can move forward on a positive trajectory.

Anonymous said...

Could we stand back and think for one minute that the writer does have a point, instead of leap-frogging over each other to repeat the worn-out phrases spreading the sick slime of abuse and vitriol and pessimism that continues to poison the atmosphere.There is some validity in accentuating the positives and building confidence in ourselves and our country and move forward from there. It is time to change the vocabulary, sidestep the cliches of defeat and work towards a prosperous future.

Anonymous said...

In the same breath why not say change ALL the rotten politicians. That, I would agree with wholeheartedly. Today, just too many scoundrels are voted into government, sometimes for just $100 or a chicken leg.

Anonymous said...

Every university with a business faculty; especially the American universities should be put on trial for crimes against HUMANITY.These institutions have produced nothing but robbers and psycopaths in search of profits at great harm to working people around the world. The current breed of so called leaders is the worst that we have seen in decads!

Anonymous said...

Didn't Kenny and the SLP start out the same way as the new PM of Antigua and promise St Lucians the sun, moon and stars? Did Kenny not promise a 100 million in investment within the first 6 months? And where are the better days? And did someone say Antiguans have a superior psychological make-up to St Lucians? Really?

Anonymous said...

Really? A superior psychological make-up? I would hasten to say when St. Lucians continue over and over again to allow politicians UWP,SLP to PISS IN THEIR EYES AND CALL IT RAIN. A far superior psychological make-up may very well be true.

At least the Bird Government with a half-Bird at the helm says someone is superior. No? I say maybe YES.

Anonymous said...

Bird-size brains too?

Anonymous said...

the laureates are either dead or very old. They were educated under the old British regime. Can see no chance of it being repeated.