Saturday, July 12, 2014

Consumers To Pay More For Electricity


Anonymous said...

Excellent! We must get the additional taxation to pay for the SLP party hacks and the Minister of foreign affairs per $500 per diem and expensive hotels and Menissa $1,000,000 salary and allowances, and the contracts for party hacks and SLP yard fowls hired in the civil service.
Oh yes we must find money in this time of crisis for the important party supporters and Kenny's salary and travel and perks !

En Rouge!

Anonymous said...

So does that mean the management and Board of Lucelec must not cover some of those Kenny-made increases?

They seem hellbent on making the largest profits they can make; without any concern about the state of health of this economy; where they operate; nor the state of health of the finances of the masses of St. Lucian residents.

90% of residents barely have three thousand dollars in a savings account at a bank or other financial institution.

Is LUCELEC expecting to see an increase in ARREARS? or is it that they do not give one damn about CUTTING OFF CONSUMERS ELECTRICITY.

It seems that this country is poised for riots.

We need details on the financial position of LUCELEC right through its operations.

We are bloody well tired of these public corporations taking the citizens and residents alike on a blasted road to hell. WE ARE JUST BLOODY WELL FED-UP.

Anonymous said...

Blogger above; one correction. Word has it; from the banks that 90% of residents have less than one thousand dollars in a savings account.

Anonymous said...

Same old, same old