Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Does The Black Sheep Have Any Wool?


Anonymous said...

Earl it only a dilemma to half-ass economists.
Saint Lucia's economy is a special case of the mixed economy model. But with 97% of both the SLP and the UWP country bookies elected to office, including yourself nothing else in the world looks half as complex.
A little education is a dangerous thing, boy. A country can get screwed!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

6:35 why are people like you sitting on the fence and allowing the bookies to run tings.
Shame on the shit brains like you.

Anonymous said...

From what I deduced from offers and counter offers made between Government and the CSA, the latter is very much willing to accept the offer of a pay deduction but under certain conditions. One is for others to make similar sacrifices and two, eliminating certain programs they deem wasteful. I believe a compromise will be reached now that the GNT is on board.

Anonymous said...

There is presently an exodus of city dwellers moving to the country to escape flying bullets. Gradually everyone will graduate as a country bookie. Just a matter of time.

Anonymous said...

Bla, bla dumb sheep. Does it have any brains?

Anonymous said...

Earl what is your recommendation? It sure escapes me in this article

Anonymous said...

Comrade Earl, The Prime Minister knows exactly what to do. Recall the 23,April 2009 market-steps rally. He pointed out where and how the then government was wasting tax payers money and that he was well equip to stabilize and fix the economy...over to you spin doctor comrade Earl.

Anonymous said...

What percentage of pay cut is the Prime Minister asking his Ministers to share? By the way Earl, what I have been hearing island wide, from the people who voted Kenny. "Let Kenny taste a little bit of his own doing". Earl, you seem to think the Civil Servants are aliens. No, they are the sons and daughters of the people. We are not mad at them.

Anonymous said...

Earl, bleating for your supper as usual? Well this entire country is sick and tired of the shyster and the following bleating sheep like you. Why not write about getting the flock out of government?

Anonymous said...

A change of Govt. No VAT, 10% increase instead of 5%. Let's go back to the land of milk and honey.I forgot no crime. Welcome to the paradise.

Anonymous said...

Welcome to the paradise we once knew 2006-2011.

Anonymous said...

For the future, lets separate the Ministry of Finance from the Prime Minister.
Lots of secret deals would not happen.

Anonymous said...

@12:20 PM, constitutionally, it is the PM who decides the portfolios given to whom.

Therefore, you have to deselect, or do not vote for any jackass politician who would give us a jackass PM, who would then give us a jackass minister of finance. Is that clear enough?

Get rid of the problem from its roots. Kill the frigging roots of the offending plant and it will not reappear.