Saturday, July 12, 2014

Stand Up For Our Girls


Anonymous said...

Congrats on your personal achievements. That said, I'm afraid that with such a career choice, you are very far from the kind of role model that is needed to help Saint Lucians GROW!

I am extremely sorry. Your career choice is not exactly a developmental priority from where I sit. I am Sorry!

The idiots we have been voting for since independence, and before, and are now sitting in the parliament are no wiser either.

There are no national priorities reflected in our educational institutions. None whatsoever! Sorry.

Nationally, we are just marking time.

Since the idiots we Saint Lucians so lovingly and ENTHUSIASTICALLY VOTE FOR AND ELECT, cannot see the forest for the trees, who ABOLUTELY PAY NO ATTENTION TO, AND VISIONLESSLY don't care a fig where they are going or taking us, surely, when you don't know where the hell you are going, any road will damn well do.

Anonymous said...

Don't underestimate the power of the PEOPLE to change the status quo!...what they need is Leadership; and that's coming. You are up for a big surprise!

Unknown said...

Great article. It's a shame that the feminist movement has missed St. Lucia. I hope when you complete your degree, you get an opportunity to practice these views in St. Lucia and make a difference in the lives of some of our girls.

Miami, Florida

Anonymous said...

Firstly, Unconditional love from A consistent "Primary Caregiver"

Secondly, a trusting network (read Lattice) of emphatic significant others.
Religions that motivate / practice redemption/forgiveness so that individuals can love to rise above their inherited socio-economic conditions

Thirdly, an educational system that levels the playing field of opportunity and eradicates Learned Helplessness

Fourthly, a society that promotes delay of gratification -to the extent that the canine impulse ( as in salivating wolverine) to deflower-outside the hallowed, purposeful, soul preserving boundaries of WEDLOCK

This also implies that the interactive exchanges between personal and group disciplines are smoother than a clover leaf interchange on a wide California freeway.

ONLY then , we can begin the conversation of fair and equal respect for all.

For now the trophies, toys, vulva annexations continue-feverishly, oui!