Saturday, March 29, 2014

Economic Decline Only Under Labour


Anonymous said...

For your information I don't intend to chose either your party or the SLP.

Good riddance to bad news!!!!

Anonymous said...

What was the growth rate in 2010 again?

Anonymous said...

What a risible and obvious piece of self-serving tripe!

Nazi Germany's PR propagandist, Joseph Goebbels had absolutely nothing on you, mate!

How comes the current account deficit did not melt away then?

Just another one of our economic idiots talking through his hat, trotting out the usual Saint Lucian crap.

Lord! We are facing some serious headwinds! We are surrounded by just too many idiots!

Anonymous said...

What the heck happened after the banana industry's bottom collapsed over our heads, like a "banchay bom zinc" being taken on the way to Shit Alley in Castries. And pay attention too, the industry has not since recovered!

The UWP under Compton for over 30 plus years, and the less than capable muddle-through shoe-ins that he did not even attempt groom to replace him, who followed. He did absolutely nothing to help transition the economy with any type of structural adjustment. He did not seem to know how either!

Worse still, with the new merger of Chiquita and Fyffes, to all intents and purposes a new company, the industry is even under greater threat. The key players do not even know what has hit them as yet.

Nobody is paying attention to the demographics.

If your "Fair Trade" niche market is not expanding, then with the normal aging of the population, it can not be reasonably expected that this can ever translate into an increasing market share!

Therefore, a decline in market share for the local banana market which, even the ageing and dying Compton, perhaps with a suspected decline in mental sharpness, was actively championing, is more than likely our reality.

Sadly, the main actors and stakeholders today are simply shying away from the realities of the situation, or are simply burying their collective heads in the sand. This unfortunately extends from the past and current Minister of Finance down!

Therefore, to the educated and informed, our spin-meister has failed miserably in his or her mission.

MR. "T" said...

THE womb of Helen is full of firebrand jaundice and pus, like wise it's dead-brain.

Anonymous said...

UWP is back at it again! This it is just empty propaganda void of any logic. Come on you morons! Why not try to make sense sometimes?

Anonymous said...

They are following the condemned habit of their model, which is to tell lies!

Anonymous said...

"The Womb of Helen", your womb and your article both stinks. Get water, possibly some bleach as well; and do some much needed cleaning. While you're at it, get a steel brush - for good measure and added emphasis!!

Anonymous said...

Either the writer does not know, or does not understand the first thing economics. Because that banner is so ridiculous all by itself, and so basically untruthful, that one would be hard-pressed finding a justification to continue reading that puerile piece of hogwash.