Thursday, March 13, 2014

P.M. Says 2014 Year of Growth


Anonymous said...

What year is Kenny talking about 2014? We're in March and nothing is happening, no investors investing in the country all the prime minister is talking about is borrowing money from these sic socialist ideological countries that is now pimping all the Caribbean little islands. We the young people of this country has nothing to look forward too, no job creation, no nothing so how will there be growth if there's no money to spend?

Anonymous said...

St. Lucia is not the only country with economic and social ills. This problem is world wide. Right here in the US unemploment is at its highest level. Millions of people are on state welfare and food stamps. Give kenny a got damn break na man.

Anonymous said...

Kenny's subtle message: "Listen my 2014 you look for more cash in the kitty!"

Anonymous said...

Yeh. more jobs and opportunities for his cronies, supporters and hangers on, and shamefully for that one, the President of the Senate.

Anonymous said...

Hope he got the right crystal ball, this time!

Anonymous said...

We have never been self sustainable. Any progress made is on borrowed money or donations. It is not about to change anytime soon unless we become innovative and productive. The land is our only answer both in the short and long term. I hope we don't become so desperate as to start selling passports for investment. It's like selling your birthright. Keep in mind that we are unable to pay back money that we have borrowed and that our sources are demanding accountability and changes in the way we do business so that the borrowed money can generate profit in an effort to be able to pay back. Vat is just one of those efforts demanded by a major source the IMF.

Anonymous said...

@ 8:22 PM. Agree completely.

As far as I can see the only thing that is growing is Kenny Anthony's belly. There will never be a bronze statue of him, because there isn't enough bronze!

Anonymous said...

AWAKE!...King Rat and the SLP mice got a proclamation from the blind soothsayer:'sees' economic growth in 2014....the hibernation is over!!

Anonymous said...

St.Lucia's resources: The Land,The Sea,The People, The Air and The Sun. What is needed is a plan to use them wisely!

Anonymous said...

@8:05, you know. That works so well. This is so, especially when in an interview some time ago, the speaker said that plans are not really made until the government is won, or for that matter the ballots are fully counted.

Anonymous said...

Only amateurs make these kinds of statements regarding a fickle industry and an economy based mainly on tourism. There was no sophistication present any in those statements at all.

Additionally, for serious thinking people, hope does not all constitute a strategy. Therefore, the picture that is emerging is that portrays one grand exercise in wishful thinking. Now, even if the situation pans out and becomes reality, it will not have happened just because a politician orders that it be so.

Anonymous said...


You got to stop talking sh.t

Anonymous said...

Yeah i saw growth alright. I saw growth in Kenny's belly and Growth in Jadia's boobs.

Anonymous said...

Both Kenny and Compton before him are simply myopic managers. Growth to both of them are either selling bananas or a low-paid job in a hotel. Wow!

Little wonder in the PM's own constituency, the VFCSS is on, four days a week with sporting activities for the whole of this ter. I hope the student population of athletes there can sharpen their skills in football, tennis, baseball and cricket by passing CXC exams and get jobs in those fields.