Saturday, March 1, 2014

Ignoring fault lines and paying the cost!


Anonymous said...

Who is the bully? The people want freedom of choice or those who want to imposed corruption as a governance model? As a brainwashed commie, you are too embarrassed to tell the difference and far less to tell the truth.

Anonymous said...

This is the new world order in manifestation.

Anonymous said...

We have a broke Capitalist at 1:56, calling a progressive and well informed scholar a "commie".

Did St. Lucia produce this many ignorant-well-trained clowns?

Anonymous said...

Scholar? Where is the scholarship? Look at the clowns in government today. We don't have an excuse that they came from Panama and St. Vincent anymore.

Anonymous said...

I am not sure why this article was written. What problem is it trying to solve, or issue it is trying to discuss? I ask because it stated some of the obvious facts about what is happening around the world, then you apportioned blame on the West. I am not taking sides, but if someone addresses and issue, I think they should be fair to both parties, start the facts and not be as selective as you have been.

Yes, the West has to be blamed for a lot of ills, but it is shameful for you to write such a one sided, and sometimes not factual piece. We expect better of you. How could you. Where do I start?

You mentioned Ukraine, and called the government unelected, that is mostly untrue, most of the cabinet are elected officials. They choose a leader amongst them. You failed to mention that the leader run away, and abandoned his post as head of the country. Such a coward is who you look up to? If our PM abandons his post, the cabinet have to appoint someone and call elections. They did that. What else would you have them do. Might I mention that most sources mentioned that over US$90 billion is missing, but he built a multi billion dollar complex equipped with helipad, etc., as his private home. His wealth before coming to office, and wealth acquired legally while in office cannot account for the price-tag for that place. Look at the decline in the country's fortunes under him, and tell us what went wrong.

You mentioned they took down the Russian flags and put up Ukrainian flag; really? It is in Ukraine, which flag should they fly? Should St. Lucia let Barbados, or any other country fly it's flag in our country?

You made no mention of the Russian invasion, none.

And no, no, no, no, Ukraine never "moved to strip" people "of their Ukrainian nationality and citizenship", as a matter of fact, the government has repeatedly made it clear that they treat all Ukrainians equally, and offered Crimea more autonomy. Please check your facts.

You said the US will not speak with President Muduro of Venezuela. You failed to mention the Ukrainian government and other governments have repeatedly asked Russia for a dialogue, the Kremlin said absolutely not. That is not the first time, same thing when they invaded Georgia.

And about those Africans, and being "punished for not measuring up to human rights expectations or rich traditional donors". Please, please tell me you are not sanctioning the discrimination against any group of people. Remember our history. While colonialism and the meddling of the West has created lots of problems in some of those countries; I ask you to look at how most treat their own people. They treat them worse than any outside power has or will.

And do not start about slavery. It was horrible, but there is enough blame to go around. Today there are still slaves on the African continent, they are the ones who sold us, and even in the US about 300 blacks and black families owned slaves.

Human rights are human rights, and I am glad someone is standing up for them. Remember a lot of people including white British man named William Wilberforce, etc., that stood for ours in the colonies. Given how some of these leaders oppress their people and rob them of their rights, those of us who know better, and are free should speak up and take action.

If you are going to write, please be more responsible. People read this thing.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if there is any communist alive that can show any semblance of truth or objectivity in their writings. Do you? If not why expect this from this brainwashed commie. He, like many others of his kind around the Caribbean studied at the Guyana Sea Wall.

Anonymous said...

The Bear & the Wolf were eastern pact buddies. The Wolf (ever the dogmatic - suspicious manger barker) made his Napoleonic blunder and bit deeply in the fleshy flanks of the bear.

The WWi corporal coerced the then most advanced all round military force under his Gestapo supported IDeolgy. Opening up a costly second eastern front, coupled with the most bitter winter in decades the wolf was trapped in a fatal blunder. The Bear retreated to a makeshift den deep inside the formidable Urals protected & rejuvenation by the indigenous Cossack clans- the genetic markers of Genghis Khan's fearsome fighting spirit- coursing through their veins.

It was during that retreat/hibernation that we see-albeit strategic-generosity of the west. America supplied deeply hidden factories and supplies (the bear always had its own cadre of advanced science/math/engineers)to quickly roll out tanks, planes and some of the largest caliber field artillery.

Led by truly fierce Cossack male /female warriors (who fought for their heritage /heartland over any political ideology) the offense against the wolf (who was gripped by all the Murphy's Law misery, a Siberian Winter Clipper could freeze frame) took on a seemingly Genghis Khan like stampede.

Not just battalions- entire divisions and 1 army group of the wolf, were encircled / cutoff and neutered/neutralized.

Fast forward to the Elbe and we come to the grand opera of political ingratitude.

The allied forces victory mandate was redemption/reconstruction and a return of Germany to a law abiding democratic nation. The Bear's victory agenda was vengeance/ plunder and the spoils of war. The Iron Curtain and Balkanization were swiftly implemented. West Berlin ate crow till the allied airlift kicked in.

This was the "grateful dead" gauntlet that the Socialist Bear knuckle balled at the capitalist allies- soon to be NATO. It was only a couple of years prior that Lgrad city residents were boiling tree bark for dinner and the Bear's fighting forces were scattered like pocket militias.

So, external intervention is always mitigated by internal / local motives /interests. The true measure is how mutually inclusive- is the fairness of the "foreign" intervention" -as in mutual benefits?

As a naturalist, my favorite example is that of the Percula Clownfish & Sea Anemone. God save our reefs.

Anonymous said...

If that commie went to school at the Guyana Sea Wall, what else did you expect?

Anonymous said...

Another graduate of the Sea Wall university in Guyana you say? It figures.